Makart, Hans. Austrian painter. 1840–1884.
Makart trained as a history painter at the Akademie in Munich, then took employment under Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph in Vienna where he painted several enormous canvases for decoration of monumental buildings there. He painted also several theatre-screens in ginormous scale. Very much identified with a Viennese style, which he helped shape throughout the 1860s and 1870s, Makart’s usually exuberant projections of classical mythological themes (e.g. DionysosAriadne1.0186_Makart) make a larger-than-life and memorable impact.
Bibliography and further reading at Oxford Art Online:
In OGCMA, Makart is represented in the following articles:
~ Aeneas, and Dido; Amazons; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, as Sun God; Ares; Artemis; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Danaë; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Endymion; Eros, General List; Heracles, and Deianeira, and Omphale; Leda; Medea; Nymphs, General List, Naiads; Odysseus, Sirens; Paris, Judgment; Pirithous, Wedding; Poseidon, General List; Prometheus, Bound; Psyche; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs.