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Quaglio, Giulio (the Younger). Italian painter. 1668–1751. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Furies (see Gaspare Angiolini, 1761); Galatea; Phaethon.
Quasimodo, Salvatore. Italian poet. 1901–1968. ~ Hades [2]; Odysseus, Death; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Quellinus, Artus, called the Elder. Dutch sculptor. 1609–1668. ~ Artemis; Atlas; Nymphs, Nereids.
Quellinus, Erasmus, called the Younger. Flemish painter. 1607–1678. ~ See listings for Peter Paul Rubens: Achilles, General List (c.1630–35?), Death (c.1630–35?), Infancy (c.1630–35?), Return to Battle (c.1630–35?), at Scyros (c.1616). Wrath (c.1630–35?); Dionysus, and Ariadne (1636–38); Eros, General List (1614); Europa (c.1630); Glaucus (1636–38); Hector, Death (c.1530–35?); Heracles, and Deianeira (1600–08); Jason, Golden Fleece (1635), Phineus and the Harpies (1636–38); Orpheus, and Eurydice (1636–38); Psyche (1609–10); Syrinx (r.1617); see also Adonis (Joris van Son, 1667); Artemis (Jan Fyt, 1650).
Quellinus, Jan Erasmus. Flemish painter. 1634–1715. ~ Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Herse and Aglaurus; Pan, General List.
Queneau, Raymond. French novelist. 1903–1976. ~ Icarus and Daedalus; Trojan War, Wooden Horse.
Quennell, Peter. English poet. 1905–. ~ Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Philomela and Procne.
Quercia, Jacopo della. Italian sculptor. 1374–1438. ~ Centaurs.
Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gômez de. Spanish poet. 1580–1645. ~ Daphne; Flora, General List; Hades [i]; Hero and Leander; Icarus and Daedalus; Jason, and the Argonauts; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Quillard, Pierre. French poet. 1864–1912. ~ Helen of Troy.
Quilter, Roger. English composer. 1877–1953. ~ Orpheus, General List.
Quinault, Jean-Baptiste Maurice. French composer. 1687–1745. ~ Cephalus and Procris; Gods and Goddesses, General List, Loves (see Nicolas Blondy, 1729).
Quinault, Philippe. French dramatist. 1635–1688. Alcestis (see Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1674); Ares (see Pierre Beauchamps, 1681); Attis (see Lully, 1676); Bellerophon; Cadmus (see Lully, 1673); Dionysus, General List (see Lully, 1666); Endymion (see Beauchamps,
1681) ; Eros, General List (see Lully, 1672); Persephone, General List (see Lully, 1680), Demeter’s Search (see Lully, 1680); Perseus, and Andromeda (see Lully,1682) ; Phaethon (see Lully, 1683); Psyche (see Pierre Corneille, 1671); Theseus, at Athens.
Quincy, George. American composer. 20th century. ~ Oedipus, and the Sphinx.
Quinet, Edgar. French poet. 1803–1875. ~ Prometheus, General List, the Creator, Bound, Freed. Quinn, Edmond Thomas. American sculptor. 1867– 1929. ~ Nymphs, General List.
Quintavalle, Antonio. Italian composer, c. 1688–1724. ~ Paris, and Oenone (see Antonio Caldara, 1704); Parthenope.