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Saarikoski, Pentti. Finnish poet. 1937–1983. ~ Heracles, General List; Odysseus, General List; Sisyphus.

Saavedra y Guzman, Martin de. Spanish poet. ?–1654. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.

Saba, Umberto [Umberto Poli]. Italian poet. 1883–1957. ~ Odysseus, General List.

Sabadini (Sabatini), Bernardo. Italian composer. ?–1718. ~ Ajax; Daphne; Heracles, Madness; Heracles, Labors of, Mares of Diomedes; Meleager, General List (see Paolo Magni, 1705); Odysseus, Circe; Theseus, at Athens.

Sabatelli, Luigi (the Elder). Italian painter. 1772–1850. ~ Psyche; Trojan War, General List.

Sabatini, Lorenzo (called Lorenzino da Bologna). Italian painter, c.1530–1576. ~ Heracles, Death (see Pellegrino Tibaldi, 1596); Heracles, Labors of, Cerberus.

Sabatino, Nicola. Italian composer, c.1708–1796. Endymion.

Sabin, Arthur Knowles. English poet. 1879–1959. Apollo, Loves; Icarus and Daedalus; Medea; Odysseus, Circe; Orion; Typhon.

Sablières, Jean Granouilhet. French composer. 1627– c.1700. ~ Endymion.

Sabouraud, Raymond-Jacques. French sculptor, fl. 1889–1931. ~ Titans and Giants.

Sacchi, Andrea. Italian painter. 1599–1661. ~ Apollo, General List; Marsyas; Pan, General List. Sacchini, Antonio. Italian composer. 1730–1786. ~ Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Andromache; Eriphyle; Medea; Oedipus, at Colonus; Perseus, General List.

Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von. German author. 1835– 1895. ~ Adonis; Aphrodite, General List.

Sachs, Hans. German dramatist. 1494–1576. ~ Agamemnon; Alcestis; Aphrodite, General List, Tannhäuser; Apollo, General List; Ariadne; Daphne; Gods and Goddesses, Vice and Virtue; Hades [2]; Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander; Niobe; Odysseus, General List, Circe, Sirens; Oedipus, General List; Orestes; Paris, Judgment; Penelope; Perseus, and Andromeda; Plutus; Polyxena; Proteus; Tiresias; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Sachsenheim, Hermann von. German poet. 1366/69–1458. ~ Aphrodite, Tannhäuser.

Sackville, Lady Margaret. English poet. 1881–1963. Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Dionysus, General List; Ganymede; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Philomela and Procne; Pirithous, General List; Syrinx.

Sackville, Thomas, First Earl of Dorset. English poet. 1536–1608. ~ Aeneas, in the Underworld; Ares; Cassandra; Hades [2]; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Sackville-West, Edward. English author. 1901–1965. ~ Odysseus, General List; Telemachus.

Sacrati, Francesco. Italian composer. 1605–1650. Achilles, at Scyros; Aphrodite, General List; Bellerophon; Odysseus, General List; Persephone, General List.

Sadeler, Aegidius (Egidius). Flemish painter. 1570–1629. Actaeon (see Paolo Fiammingo, 1596, Joseph Heintz the Elder, c.1590–1600, and Nicolas Poussin, 1614); Arcadia; Europa; Heracles, Infant Heracles; Narcissus.

Sadil, Meinrad. German dramatist. 1864–1943. ~ Tantalus.

Sadoleto, Iacopo. Italian author. 1477–1547. ~ LaocoOn.

Saenredam, Jan. Dutch painter, engraver. 1565–1607. Callisto (see Paulus Moreelse, 1606); Heracles, Choice; Paris, and Oenone (see Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, 1607); see also listings for Hendrik Goltzius: Aphrodite, General List (1583), Venus Frigida (c.1590, also Abraham Bloemaert, 1607); Apollo, as Sun God (1588); Ares (e.1588); Athena, General List (1588); Cronus, General List (1592); Demeter (e.1596); Dionysus, General List (1592); Gods and Goddesses, General List (1592); Hera (1596); Hermes, General List (1587), Io (c.1583); Muses, General List (1592); Paris, Judgment (1596); Persephone, General List (1590); Selene (1595-96); Vertumnus; Zeus, General List (1592). Saftleven, Cornells. Dutch painter. 1607–1681. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Saftleven, Herman. Dutch painter. 1609–1685. ~ Arcadia; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Sagarra i de Castellamau, Josep Maria de. Spanish dramatist. 1894–1961. ~ Galatea.

Sagrestani, Giovanni Camillo. Italian painter. 1660–1731. ~ Daphne.

Sahtouris (Sachtoures), Miltos. Greek poet. 1919–. ~ Eros, General List; Pasiphaë.

Sainctonge (Saintonge, Xaintonges), Louise-Geneviève, Mme Gillot de. French dramatist. 1650– 1718. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Endymion (see Henry Desmarets, 1682); Odysseus, Circe (see Desmarets, 1694).

Saint-Amans, Louis Joseph. French composer. 1749– c.1820. ~ Aeneas, and Dido (see Maximilien Gardel, 1776–77); Alcyone and Ceyx; Psyche.

Saint-Amant, Marc-Antoine Gérard, Sieur de. French poet. 1594–1661. ~ Arion.

Saint-Aubin, Gabriel Jacques de. French painter. 1724–1780. ~ Momus; Nymphs, Naiads (see Jean-Antoine Houdon, c.1777).

Saint-Aubin, Stéphanie-Félicité Ducrest de. French dramatist. 1746–1830. ~ Galatea.

Saint-Croix, Caroline de. French composer, b. 1843. Pygmalion.

St. Denis, Ruth. American choreographer. 1879–1968. ~ Astarte; Psyche.

Saint-Evremond, Charles de. French author. 1610–1703. ~ Widow of Ephesus.

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus. American sculptor. 1848–1907. ~ Apollo, General List; Artemis; Demeter.

Saint-Gaudens, Louis. American sculptor. 1854–1913. ~ Pan, General List.

Saint-Georges de Bouhélier [Stéphane Georges de Bouhélier le Pelletier]. French poet. 1876–1947. Oedipus, General List.

Saint Ildefont, Guillaume de, Baron. French dramatist. 1744–1809. ~ Polyxena.

Saintine, Xavier-Boniface. French dramatist. 1798–1865. ~ Narcissus (see Eugène Scribe, 1820).

Saint John, Georgie Boyden. American composer, d. 1899. ~ Eros, General List.

Saint John, Kathleen Louise. American composer. 1942–. ~ Adonis; Aeolus; Fates; Graces; Muses, Poetry and Music; Selene.

Saint-Léon, Artur. French choreographer. 1821–1870. ~ Satyrs, and Nymphs.

Saint-Roman, Alexis-Jacques de Serre, Comte de. French dramatist. 1770–1843. ~ Antigone.

Saint-Saëns, Camille. French composer. 1835–1921. Andromache; Antigone; Heracles, Infant Heracles, Choice, and Deianeira, and Omphale, Death; Paris, and Helen; Persephone, General List; Phaethon; Prometheus, Freed.

Sakharoff (Zuckerman), Alexandre. Russian dancer-choreographer. 1886–1963. ~ Aphrodite, Worship; Dionysus, and Ariadne.

Saki [H. H. Munro]. Scottish author. 1870–1916. ~ Pan, General List.

Sala, Nicola. Italian composer. 1713–1801. ~ Apollo, General List; Merope.

Salari, Francesco. Italian composer. 1751–1828. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.

Salas Barbadillo, Alonso Jeronimo de. Spanish poet. 1581–1635. ~ Daphne; Momus; Parnassus.

Salazar y Torres, Agustin de. Spanish dramatist. 1642–1675. ~ Apollo, General List; Cephalus and Procris; Thetis, and Peleus.

Salcedo Coronel, José Garcia de. Spanish poet. 1592?– 1651. ~ Ariadne; Muses, General List.

Saldoni, Baltasar. Spanish composer. 1807–1889. Danaïds.

Sales, Pietro Pompeo. Italian composer, c. 1729–1797. ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Antigone.

Salieri, Antonio. Italian composer. 1750–1825. Bacchanalia (see Gasparo Luigi Spontini, 1817); Danaïds; Europa; Phaethon (see Giuseppe Canziani, 1778); Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Salinas, Pedro. Spanish poet, dramatist. 1891–1951. ~ Medusa; Perseus, and Medusa.

Sallé, Marie. French choreographer. 1707–1756. Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eros, General List; Hymen; Muses, Dance (see George Frideric Handel, 1734); Orestes (see Handel, 1734); Pygmalion.

Sallebray, [?]. French dramatist, fl. 1638–60. ~ Paris, Judgment, and Helen; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Salmenhaara, Erkki. Finnish composer. 1941–. ~ Pan, Loves.

Salomon, Bernard. French painter, engraver. 1506/10– c.1561. ~ Actaeon; Ages of the World; Apollo, and Python; Baucis and Philemon; Daphne; Galatea; Ganymede; Medea; Poseidon, Loves.

Salomon, Joseph (Giuseppe Salomoni). Italian choreographer. 1710–1777. ~ Odysseus, Circe.

Salomon, Joseph-François. French composer. 1649–1732. ~ Medea.

Salter, Mary Jo. American poet. 1954–. ~ Aphrodite, Birth.

Salustri, Carlo Alberto (pseudonym, Trilussa). Italian poet. 1871–1950. ~ Zeus, Loves.

Salutati, Coluccio. Italian poet. 1331–1406 ~ Heracles, General List; Heracles, Labors of, General List.

Salvador Gomez, Vicente. Spanish painter. 1645?–1698? ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Salvadori, Andra. Italian librettist. 1591–1635. ~ Flora, General List (see Marco da Gagliano, 1628); Heracles, and Iole (see Jacopo Peri, 1628).

Salvayre, Gervais Bernard. French composer. 1847–1916. ~ Odysseus, Calypso.

Salvi, Antonio. Italian librettist. 17th/18th century. Andromache; Danaïds (see Geminiano Giacomelli, 1724); Heracles, Labors of, Girdle of Hippolyta (see Giuseppe Maria Oriandini, 1715); Trojan War, Fall of Troy (see Giacomo Antonio Perti, 1701).

Salviati, Cecchin [Francesco de Rosso Salviad]. Italian painter. 1510–1563. ~ Achilles, at Scyros (see Niccoiô dell’ Abbate, 1571); Apollo, as Sun God; Eros, Triumphant; Fates; Graces; Narcissus; Niobe; Parnassus; Psyche; Zeus, General List.

Salviucci, Giovanni. Italian composer. 1907–1937. ~ Alcestis.

Saly, Jacques-François-Joseph. French sculptor. 1717– 1776. ~ Hebe.

Samacchini, Orazio. Italian painter. 1532–1577. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Perseus, and Andromeda.

Samain, Albert. French poet. 1858–1900. ~ Amphitrite; Antigone; Bacchanalia; Chimaera; Galatea; Helen of Troy; Hermaphroditus; Poseidon, Loves; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Samazeuilh, Gustave. French composer. 1877–1967. ~ Nymphs, Naiads.

Samhaber, Edward. German dramatist. 1846–1927. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.

Sammardni, Giovanni Battista. Italian composer. 1700/ 01–1775. ~ Paris, General List.

Sammartini, Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1695–1750. ~ Paris, Judgment.

Sampson, Martin Wright. American poet. 1866–1930. ~ Pan, General List.

Samuel, Gerhard. German-American composer. 1924–. Icarus and Daedalus (see Gerald Arpino, 1974); Orpheus, General List.

Sances, Giovanni Felice. Italian composer, c.1600–1679. Andromache; Apollo, General List (see Leopold I, 1669); Cadmus; Hermes, General List; Persephone, General List.

Sand, George [Armandine Aurore-Lucie Dupin, Baronne Dudevant]. French novelist. 1804–1876. ~ See listings for Maurice de Guérin, c.1835: Chiron; Glaucus.

Sandbach, Mrs. Henry Roscoe. English poet. 1812–1852. ~ Eos, General List.

Sanders, Alma M. American composer. 1882–196. ~ Hades [2].

Sanderson, James. English composer. 1769–1841. ~ Niobe (see John C. Cross, 1797).

Sandoni, Pietro Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1685–1748. ~ Jason, Hypsipyle.

Sandrart, Jan van (Johann von). German painter. ?– after 1679. ~ Odysseus, Polyphemus, Scylla and Charybdis.

Sandrart, Joachim von. German painter. 1606–1688. Apollo, and Python; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Athena, General List; Cronus, General List; Odysseus, Nausicaä.

Sandys, Frederick. English painter. 1829–1904. ~ Cassandra; Danaë; Fates; Hades [2]; Helen of Troy; Medea; Medusa; Penelope; Persephone, General List.

Sanfelice, Ettore. Italian poet. 1862–1923. ~ Bellerophon; Chimaera; Pan, General List; Psyche.

Sanford, Edward Field, Jr. American sculptor. 1886– 1951. ~ Heracles, General List.

Sanford (Sandford), James. English poet. r6th century. ~ Atalanta; Graces; Hermes, Infancy.

Sangallo, Francesco da. Italian sculptor. 1493–1576 ~ Heracles, Labors of, Cerberus.

Sannazaro, Jacopo. Italian poet. 1458?–1530.  ~ Arcadia; Galatea; Icarus and Daedalus; Pan, Loves.

Sansovino, Jacopo [Jacopo d’Antonio Tatti, called Sansovino]. Italian sculptor. 1486–1570. ~ Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List; Ares; Athamas and Ino (see Tiziano Minio, 1537–39); Athena, General List; Dionysus, General List; Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander (see Minio, 1537–39); Io; Poseidon, General List; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Zeus, General List (see Minio, 1537–39).

Santayana, George [Jorge Ruiz]. Spanish-American poet, novelist, philosopher. 1863–1952. ~ Achilles, Death; Aphrodite, Worship; Dioscuri.

Santeuil, Jean-Baptiste de. French poet. 1630–1697. ~ Muses, General List.

Santi di Tito. Italian painter. 1536–1603. ~ Heracles, and Iole; Phaethon.

Santoliquido, Francesco. Italian composer. 1883–1971. Cassandra.

Santos, Luciano Xavier dos. Portuguese composer. 1734–1808. ~ Heracles, General List, Choice.

Santos-Ocampo de Francesco, Amada Amy. American composer. 1927–. ~ Eros, General List.

Sanz, Rocio [Carmen Rocio Sanz Quiros]. Costa Rican composer. 1934–. ~ Jason, and the Argonauts.

Saponaro, Michele. Italian author. 1885–1959. Andromache; Antigone; Nymphs, General List; Satyrs, and Nymphs.

Sappington, Margo. American choreographer. 1947–. Medusa.

Saraceni, Carlo. Italian painter. 1579–1620. ~ Aphrodite, General List (see Orazio Gentileschi, 1639); Ares and Aphrodite; Ariadne; Ganymede; Hermaphroditus; Icarus and Daedalus; Perseus, and Andromeda.

Saracinelli, Ferdinando. Italian librettist. 16th/17th century. ~ Ares (see Jacopo Peri, 1614); Eros, General List (see Peri, 1614); Hades [2] (see Lorenzo Allegri, 1614). Sargant, Edmund Beale. English poet. b. 1855. ~ Pan, General List.

Sargant, Francis W. English sculptor. 19th/2oth century. Lamia.

Sargent, John Singer. American painter, active in England. 1856–1925. ~ Apollo, General List, as Sun God; Astarte; Athena, General List; Atlas; Chimaera; Danaïds; Daphne; Heracles, Labors of, Lernean Hydra; Hesperides; Orestes; Pan, General List; Paris, Judgment; Parnassus; Perseus, and Medusa.

Sarkadi, Imre. Hungarian dramatist. 1921–1961. ~ Orestes.

Sarrazin, Jacques. French sculptor, painter. 1588/92–1660. ~ Aphrodite, Birth.

Sarrazin, Maurice. French poet. 1925–. ~ Amazons (see Janine Charrat, 1951).

Sarro (Sarri), Domenico. Italian composer. 1679–1744. Achilles, at Scyros; Aeneas, and Dido; Demophon; Endymion; Parthenope; Perseus, and Andromeda (see Andrea Bernasconi, 1750).

Sard, Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1729–1802. ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Andromache; Ares; Ariadne; Atalanta; Danaïds; Demophon; Deucalion and Pyrrha; Dioscuri; Eriphyle; Flora, and Zephyr (see Pierre Chevalier, 1800); Glaucus; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Jason, Hypsipyle; Narcissus; Odysseus, Calypso; Perseus, and Andromeda; Zeus, General List.

Sarto, Andrea del. Italian painter. 1486–1530. ~ Daphne; see also listings for Leonardo da Vinci, c.1510– 15: Dioscuri; Helen of Troy; Leda.

Sarton, May. Belgian-American poet. 1912–. ~ Medusa; Muses, General List; Phoenix.

Sartorio, Antonio. Italian composer. 1630–1680. ~ Aeneas, in Latium; Boreas (see Gasparo Sartorio, 1650); Flora, General List; Heracles, Labors of. Girdle of Hippolyta; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sartorio, Aristide. Italian painter. 1860–1932. ~ Artemis of Ephesus; Medusa.

Sartorio, Gasparo. Italian composer. 1625/26–1680. ~ Boreas.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. French author. 1905–1980. ~ Orestes; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Sassetta [Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo]. Italian painter. 1392–1451. ~ Paris, and Helen.

Sassoon, Siegfried. English poet. 1886–1967. ~ Daphne; Hyacinth; Marsyas; Nymphs, Dryads; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sastre, Alfonso. Spanish dramatist. 1926–. ~ Medea; Orestes.

Satie, Erik. French composer. 1866–1925. ~ Gods and Goddesses, General List (see Catherine Litdefield, 1936); Hades [2] (see Léonide Massine, 1924); Hermes, General List (see Massine, 1924); Medusa; Parnassus (see Adolph Bolm, 1926); Pegasus (see Paul Manship, 1915); Persephone, General List (see Massine, 1924).

Sauvage, Charles-Gabriel. French scülptor. 1747–1827. ~ Eros, General List.

Sauvage, Piat (Pieter) Joseph. Flemish painter, active in France. 1744–1818. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Artemis; Bacchanalia.

Savard, Félix. French librettist. 1837–1881. ~ Heracles, and Omphale (see Léon Roques, 1869).

Savery, Roelandt. Dutch painter. 1576–1639. ~ Adonis (see Paulus Moreelse, c.1610, and Jan Brueghel the Younger, 1626–32); Orpheus, General List, Death, and Eurydice.

Savinio, Alberto [Andrea de Chirico]. Italian author, composer, painter. 1891–1952. ~ Hermaphroditus; Muses, History; Niobe; Odysseus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Penelope; Perseus, General List (see Michel Fokine, 1924); Psyche.

Savioli, Lodovico. Italian dramatist. 1729–1804. ~ Achilles, General List.

Savoldo, Girolamo. Italian painter, c. 1480–after 1548. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Saxe, John Godfrey. American poet. 1816–1887. ~ Circe; Midas, General List; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Pan, General List; Pyramus and Thisbe.

Sayre, Jessica. American choreographer. 1949–. ~ Prometheus, General List (see Julian Beck, 1978).

Sbarra, Francesco. Italian dramatist. 1611–1668. See listings for Pietro Antonio Cesti: Eros, Punishment (1667) ; Paris, Judgment (1668); Thetis, and Peleus (1668) .

Scacchi, Marco. Italian composer, c.1600–1681/87. ~ Aeneas, General List; Narcissus; Odysseus, Circe; Paris, and Helen; Perseus, and Andromeda; Psyche.

Scaliger, Julius Caesar. French humanist. 1484–1558. ~ Eros, and the Bee.

Scarlatti, Alessandro. Italian composer. 1660–1725. Achilles, at Scyros; Adonis; Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Ajax; Amazons; Aphrodite, General List; Arion (see Carlo Ambrogio Lonati, 1694); Callisto (see Antonio Lotti, 1717); Daphne; Endymion; Flora, and Zephyr; Glaucus; Hero and Leander; Merope; Muses, History, Astronomy; Nymphs, General List; Parnassus; Parthenope; Penelope; Phaethon; Poseidon, General List; Proteus; Psyche; Sirens; Telemachus; Titans and Giants.

Scarlatti, Domenico. Italian composer. 1685–1757. Achilles, at Scyros; Ares and Aphrodite (see Marie Rambert, 1929); Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris; Narcissus.

Scarlatti, Giuseppe. Italian composer. ca.1718/23–1777. ~ Antigone; Jason, Hypsipyle; Merope.

Scarola, D. A. Italian librettist. 18th century. ~ Parthenope (Nicola Conti, 1754).

Scarron, Paul. French satirist. 1610–1660. ~ Hero and Leander; Titans and Giants; Typhon. Scarselli, Flaminio. Italian poet. 1705–1776. ~ Aeneas, in Latium; Telemachus.

Scarseliino [Ippolito Scarsella], Italian painter. 1551– 1620. ~ Adonis; Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Endymion; Hermaphroditus; Paris, Judgment; Pyramus and Thisbe (see Italian School, 17th century).

Scève, Maurice. French poet, ca.1510–ca.1564. ~ Actaeon; Artemis; Eros, and Anteros; Hecate; Selene.

Schacht, Theodor. German composer. 1748–1823. ~ Hephaestus.

Schadow, Johann Gottfried. German sculptor. 1764– 1850. ~ Achilles, General List; Ares; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eros, General List; Fates; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Graces; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion; Muses, Poetry and Music, Drama, Dance; Parnassus; Perseus, and Andromeda; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Telemachus.

Schadow, Rudolf. German sculptor. 1786–1822. ~ Fates.

Schaeffer, Albrecht. German poet. 1885–1950. ~ Odysseus, General List; Persephone, General List.

Schaeffer, Pierre. French composer. 1910–. ~ Orpheus, General List (see Pierre Henry, 1953); Phaedra AND HiPPOLYTUS.

Schafer, Friedrich L. German dramatist. 20th century. ~ Prometheus, Freed.

Schafer, R. Murray. Canadian composer. 1933–. ~ Eros, General List; Oceanus.

Schafheitlin, Adolf. German dramatist. 1852–1917. ~ Cyclopes; Jason, and the Argonauts.

Schalcken, Godfried. Dutch painter. 1643–1706. ~ Aphrodite, General List, Venus Frigida; Pygmalion; Syrinx.

Schaller, Johann Nepomuk. Austrian sculptor. 1777– 1842. ~ Bellerophon; Philoctetes.

Schardt, Johann Gregor van der. German sculptor. ca.1530–1581. ~ Apollo, as Sun God; Selene.

Scharff, Edwin. German painter, sculptor. 1877/87–1955. Apollo, as Sun God; Cephalus and Procris; Nymphs, Naiads; Pandora; Pegasus; Perseus, General List; Selene.

Scharwenka, Philipp. Polish-German composer. 1847–1917. ~ Arcadia.

Schaukal, Richard von. Austrian author. 1874–1942. ~ Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List.

Scheduler, Richard. American director-dramatist. 1934–. ~ Pentheus.

Scheffer, Ary. French painter. 1795–1858. ~ Muses, Poetry and Music; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Scheibe, Johann Adolf. German composer. 1708–1776. ~ Ariadne; Cephalus and Procris.

Schein, Johann Hermann. German composer. 1586–1630. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Eos, General List; Eros, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Scheits, Matthias. German painter. ca.1625/30–ca.1700. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Schenk, Johann Baptist. Austrian composer. 1753–1836. ~ Ariadne.

SchiafSno, Francesco. Italian sculptor. 1691–1765. ~ Persephone, General List.

Schiassi, Gaetano Maria. Italian composer. 1698–1754. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Demophon.

Schiavo, Paolo. Italian painter. 1397–? ~ Actaeon.

Schiavone, Andrea [Andrea Meldolla]. Italian painter. c.1522–1563. ~ Achilles, Wrath, Death; Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy, and Dido; Amphitrite; Aphrodite, General List, Birth, Worship; Apollo, General List; Ares; Artemis; Atalanta; Bacchanalia; Callisto; Centaurs; Cephalus and Procris; Circe (see Parmigianino, 1540); Cybele; Danaë; Daphne; Deucalion and Pyrrha; Dionysus, Infancy; Eros, General List; Europa (see Lambert Sustris, c.154.1?); Hera; Heracles, General List, and Deianeira; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion, Cerberus; Hermes, General List; Io (see Lambert Sustris, 1568); Iphigenia, at Aulis (see Lambert Sustris, after 1568); Marsyas; Medea; Midas, Judgment; Muses, General List; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List (see Parmigianino, e.1524); Odysseus, Circe (see Parmigianino, 1540); Orpheus, General List; Paris, Judgment (see Lambert Sustris, after 1568), and Helen; Parnassus; Pegasus; Persephone, Return; Perseus, General List; Psyche; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Semele (see Jacopo Tintoretto, c. 1541); Trojan War, Fall of Troy (see Lambert Sustris, after 1568); Zeus, General List, Infancy, Loves.

Schibler, Annin. Swiss composer. 1920–. ~ Odysseus, Polyphemus; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Schick, Gottlieb Christian. German painter. 1776–1812. Adonis; Apollo, as Shepherd; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Narcissus.

Schickele, Peter. American composer. 1935–. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.

Schickele, René. Alsatian poet. 1883–1940. ~ Artemis; Pan, General List.

Schidone (Schedoni), Bartolomeo. Italian painter. ca.1570–1615. ~ Actaeon; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eros, General List.

Schiebeler, Daniel. German poet. 1741–1771. ~ Ariadne; Hero and Leander; Muses, General List (see Johann Adam Hiller, 1767).

Schieferdecker, Johann Christian. German composer. 1679–1732. ~ Medea.

Schiffineister-Gugg, Karl [Karl Grassberger]. German poet. b. 1880. ~ Odysseus, General List, Nausicaä.

Schikaneder, Emanuel. German dramatist. 1751–1812. Arcadia (see Franz Xaver Süssmayr, 1794); Hestia (see Ludwig van Beethoven, 1803); Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1791); Telemachus (see Franz Anton Hoffmeister, 1795).

Schildt, Runar. Finland-Swedish novelist, dramatist. 1888–1925. ~ Eros, General List, Triumphant.

Schiller, Friedrich von. German poet, dramatist. 1759– 1805. ~ Achilles, Death; Actaeon; Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List; Cassandra; Dionysus, General List; Fates; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hades [i]; Hades [2]; Hector, General List; Heracles, Apotheosis; Hector, General List; Hero and Leander; Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris (see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1779); Minos; Muses, General List; Odysseus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pegasus; Persephone, Demeter’s Search; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Polyxena; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Semele; Tantalus (see Goethe, 1779); Thetis, and Peleus.

Schillings, Max von. German composer. 1868–1933. ~ Orestes.

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. German dramatist. 1767–1845. ~ Ariadne; Arion; Creusa; Narcissus; Prometheus, General List; Pygmalion.

Schlegel, Friedrich von. German poet. 1772–1829. ~ Achilles, General List; Ages of the World; Arion; Narcissus.

Schlegel, Johann Elias. German dramatist. 1719–1749. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Cephalus and Procris; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Polydorus; Polyxena; Poseidon, Loves.

Schlichten, Johann Philipp van der. Dutch painter. 1681–1745. ~ Vertumnus.

Schlôsser, Hermann Julius. German painter. 1832–1894. ~ Thetis, and Peleus.

Schlüter, Andreas. Polish-German sculptor. 1660/64– 1714. ~ Amphitrite; Daphne; Medusa; Poseidon, General List.

Schmalz, Herbert Gustave. English painter. 1856–1935. ~ Eros, General List; Pygmalion.

Schmidt, Barbara. American artist. 1947–. ~ Medusa.

Schmidt, Johann Christoph. German composer. 1664– 1728. ~ Leto; Persephone, General List.

Schmidtbonn, Wilhelm. German dramatist. 1876–1952. Achilles, at Scyros, Wrath; Eros, General List; Helen of Troy; Pygmalion.

Schmitt, Gladys. American novelist. 1909–1972. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis; Orestes.

Schmittbaur, Joseph Aloys. German composer. 1718– 1809. ~ Arcadia; Endymion; Heracles, Death (see Johann Friedrich Grâfe, 1771).

Schmitthenner, Adolf. German author. 1854–1907. ~ Psyche.

Schnabel, Ernst. German novelist. 1913–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus; Odysseus, Nausicaä; PasiPHAË.

Schnebel, Dieter. German composer. 1930–. ~ Eros, General List.

Schnegg, Lucien. French sculptor. 1864–1909. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Schneider, Georg Abraham. German composer. 1770– 1839. ~ Daphne.

Schneitzhoeffer, Jean-Madeleine. French composer. 19th century. ~ Ares and Aphrodite (see Jean-Baptiste Blache, 1820); Pandora (see Anatole, 1822); Persephone, General List (see Pierre Gardel, 1818).

Schnitzler, Arthur. Austrian dramatist. 1862–1931. ~ Bacchanalia.

Schoeck, Othmar. Swiss composer. 1886–1957. Aphrodite, Statue of Venus; Penthesilea (see Klaus Pringsheim, 1923).

Schoenewerk, Pierre-Alexandre. French sculptor. 1820–1885. ~ Eros, General List; Leda.

Schoffer, Nicolas. Hungarian-French sculptor. 1912–. ~ Cronus, General List.

Scholl, Adolf. German dramatist. 1805–1882. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.

Scholz, Werner. German painter, b. 1898. ~ Antigone.

Schomberg, Ralph. English librettist. 1714–1792. ~ Paris, Judgment (see François-Hippolyte Barthélemon, 1768).

Schônaich-Carolath, Emil, Prinz von. German poet. 1852–1908. ~ Baucis and Philemon.

Schônbach, Dieter. German composer. 1931–. ~ Oedipus, General List.

Schônfeld (Sclionfeldt), Johann Heinrich. German painter, engraver. 1609–1684. ~ Aeneas, Storm; Ages of the World; Amphitrite; Aphrodite, General List; Bacchanalia; Cadmus; Polyxena (see Johann Spillenberger, 1679).

Schoonjans, Anthoni. Flemish painter, c.1655–1726. ~ Narcissus; Thetis, and Peleus.

Schopin, Henri-Frédéric. French painter. 1804–1881. Achilles, Return to Batde (see Prix de Rome, 1831); Aeneas, in Latium; Meleager, General List (see Prix de Rome, 1830).

Schoubroeck, Pieter. Flemish painter, c. 1570–1607. ~ Amazons; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Schreyer, Hermann. German dramatist. 1840–1907. ~ Odysseus, Nausicaä; Polyxena.

Schroder, Rudolf Alexander. German poet. 1878–1962. ~ Hades [2].

Schroeder, Hermann. German composer. 1904–. ~ Hero and Leander.

Schrotter, Riccardo. German painter. 20th century. ~ Paris, Judgment.

Schubert, Franz. Austrian composer. 1797–1828. ~ Actaeon; Ariadne (see Léonide Massine, 1941); Atlas; Arris; Dioscuri; Eriphyle; Ganymede (see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1774); Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hades [2]; Hector, General List; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Lysistrata; Memnon; Muses, General List; Oedipus, at Colonus; Orbstes; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Philoctetes; Prometheus, Creator.

Schuer, Theodor van der. Dutch painter. 1628–1707. ~ Heracles, Labors of, General List.

Schulenburg, Werner von der [Gerhard Werner]. German dramatist. 1881–1958. ~ Artemis.

Schuller, Gunther. American composer. 1925–. ~ Eros, General List.

Schultze, Gerhard. German dramatist, b. 1891. ~ Antigone.

Schulz, Gerhard C. German artist. 20th century. ~ Icarus and Daedalus; Minotaur.

Schulz-Beuthen, Heinrich. German composer. 1838–1915. ~ Bacchanalia.

Schumacher, Emil. German painter. 1912–. ~ Hades [2].

Schuman, William. American composer. 1910–1991. ~ Cybele (see Antony Tudor, 1945); Muses, Poetry and Music (see Tudor, 1945); Oedipus, General List (see Martha Graham, 1947); Orpheus, General List; Perseus, and Medusa (see Tudor, 1945); Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Schumann, Georg. German composer. 1866–1952. Psyche.

Schumann, Robert. German composer. 1810–1856. Astarte; Baucis and Philemon; Hero and Leander; Muses, General List (see Maurice Béjart, 1978); Pegasus (see Béjart, 1978); Persephone, General List (see John Taras, 1948).

Schuppen, Jacob van. French painter, active in Holland. 1670–1751. ~ Meleager, Boar Hunt.

Schuré, Edouard. French poet. 1841–1929. ~ Prometheus, Bound.

Schiirer, Johann Georg. German composer. 1720–1786. ~ Galatea.

Schiirmann, Georg Caspar. German composer. 1672– 1751. ~ Alcestis; Apollo, Loves; Cadmus; Endymion; Jason, General List; Orpheus, Death (see Reinhard Reiser, 1702); Psyche; Telemachus.

Schuster, Ignaz. German composer. 1779–1835. ~ Zeus, General List.

Schuster, Joseph. German composer. 1748–1812. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Demophon; Psyche.

Schut, Comelis (the Elder). Flemish painter. 1597–1655. Ares (see Peter Paul Rubens, e. 1616–17); Galatea; Gods and Goddesses, General List.

Schütz, Christian Wilhelm von. German dramatist. 1776–1847. ~ Niobe; Persephone, General List.

Schütz, Heinrich. German composer. 1585–1672. ~ Daphne; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Schütz, Stefan. German dramatist. 1944–. ~ Theseus, and the Amazons.

Schützenberger, Louis-Frédéric. French painter. 1825–1903. ~ Centaurs.

Schwanenberger (Schwanberg, Schwanberger), Johann Gottfried. German composer, c.1740–1804. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Apollo, General List; Galatea; Jason, Hypsipyle; Parnassus.

Schwartz, Delmore. American poet. 1913–1966. ~ Apollo, General List; Eros, General List; Helen of Troy; Narcissus; Orpheus, General List; Parnassus.

Schwartzkopff, Theodor. German composer. 1659–1732. Endymion; Paris, Judgment; Zeus, Infancy.

Schwarz (Schwartz), Christoph. German painter. 1545– 1592. ~ Adonis; Endymion (see Jacopo Tintoretto, early 1580s?); Persephone, General List (see Lambert Sustris, after 1568).

Schwarz, Hans. German dramatist. 1890–1967. ~ Cassandra; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Pentheus; Psyche.

Schweitzer, Anton. German composer. 1735–1787.  ~ Alcestis; Apollo, as Shepherd; Ariadne; Baucis and Philemon; Eos, General List; Hades [2]; Heracles, Choice, Death (see Johann Friedrich Grâfe, 1771); Muses, Drama; Polyxena; Pygmalion.

Schweizelsperg, Casimir. German composer. 1668–after 1722. ~ Diomedes.

Schwemer, Armand. American poet. 1927–. ~ Pentheus.

Schwind, Moritz von. Austrian painter, engraver. 1804– 1871. ~ Muses, Poetry and Music.

Schwob, Marcel. French novelist. 1867–1905. ~ Arachne; Hermes, General List; Psyche.

Schytte, Ludvig. Danish composer. 1848–1909. ~ Hero and Leander.

Sciarrino, Salvatore. Italian composer. 1947–. ~ Pan, General List; Psyche; Zephyr.

Sdorina, Lorenzo dello. Italian painter, c.1535–1598. ~ Heracles, Labors of, Apples of the Hesperides.

Sciroli, Gregorio. Italian composer. 1722–after 1781.  ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Merope (see Florian Leopold Gassmann, 1757); Odysseus, General List.

Scolari, Giuseppe. Italian composer, c. 1720–after 1774. Aeneas, and Dido; Andromache; Jason, Golden Fleece.

Sconin, Adrien. French dramatist. 1638–? ~ Hector, General List.

Scorel, Jan van. Dutch painter. 1495–1562. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy.

Scorza, Sinibaldo. Italian painter. 1589–1631. ~ Baucis and Philemon; Leto.

Scott, Alexander. Scottish dramatist. 1920–. ~ Prometheus, General List.

Scott, Evelyn. American novelist, poet. 1893–1963. ~ Narcissus.

Scott, Geoffrey. English poet. 1884–1929. ~ Hector, General List, Death; Paris, General List. Scott, Marion. American choreographer. 1922–. ~ Bacchanalia.

Scott, William Bell. Scottish poet, painter. 1812–1892. Hades [2]; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Scotd de Agoiz, Pedro. Spanish dramatist. ?–1730. ~ Apollo, Loves (see Juan Hidalgo, 1684); Demophon.

Scribe, Eugène. French dramatist. 1791–1861. ~ Actaeon (see Daniel-François-Esprit Auber, 1836); Amazons (see Amédée de Beauplan, 1830) Danaïds; Flora, and Zephyr; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Narcissus; Orestes; Sirens (see Auber, 1844).

Scrope, Stephen. English poet. ?–1472. ~ See listings for Christine de Pizan, c.1400: Achilles, at Scyros, Death; Actaeon; Adonis; Ajax; Alcyone and Ceyx; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List, Loves; Arachne; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Asclepius and Hygieia; Atalanta; Athamas and Ino; Athena, General List; Bellerophon; Cadmus; Cassandra; Cephalus and Procris; Cronus, General List; Daphne; Demeter; Dionysus, General List; Eos, General List; Eros, General List; Fates; Galatea; Ganymede; Hector, General List; Hera; Heracles, Labors of, Cerberus; Hermaphroditus; Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander; Herse and Aglaurus; Io; Jason, Golden Fleece; Laomedon; Leto; Medea; Memnon; Midas, Judgment; Minos; Narcissus; Odysseus, General List, Polyphemus, Circe; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice; Paris, General List, Judgment, and Helen; Pasiphaë; Patroclus; Penthesilea; Perseus, General List, and Medusa, and Andromeda; Pirithous, General List; Polyxena; Poseidon, General List; Pygmalion; Pyramus and Thisbe; Semele; Seven against Thebes; Thetis, and Peleus; Troilus and Cressida; Trojan War, General List; c.1400), Wooden Horse, Fall of Troy; Zeus, General List.

Scudamore, James. English satirist. 1642?–1666. ~ Trojan War, General List.

Scudéry, Georges de. French dramatist. 1601–1667. Aeneas, and Dido; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Narcissus.

Scultori, G(iovanni) B(attista). Italian painter. 16th century. ~ See listings for Giorgio Ghisi: Aeneas, Flight from Troy (1543); Trojan War, Fall of Troy (1582).

Seaman, Owen. English poet. 1861–1936. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Marsyas; Pan, General List.

Sebastiano del Piombo [Sebastiano Luciani]. Italian painter, c. 1485–1547. ~ Adonis; Boreas; Callisto; Demeter (see Giorgione, 1510); Erichthonius; Galatea; Hera; Icarus and Daedalus; Minos; Phaethon; Philomela and Procne; Poseidon, General List (see Agnolo Bronzino, c.1533); Zephyr.

Sébillet, Thomas. French dramatist. 1512–1589. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.

Seckendorff, Karl Siegmund (von). German composer. 1744–1785. ~ Athena, General List, Birth; Persephone, General List (see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1778).

Seedo (Sydow, Sidow), [?]. German composer, c.1700– c.1754. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Eros, General List; Hymen; Paris, Judgment (see John Weaver, 1733).

Seeger, Alan. American poet. 1888–1916. ~ Eos, and Tithonus.

Seekatz, Johann Konrad. German painter. 1719–1768. ~ Actaeon; Dionysus, General List; Hector, General List.

Seele, Johann Baptist. German painter. 1774–1814. ~ Hector, General List; Iphigenia, at Tauris.

Seferis, George (Georgios Seferiades). Greek poet. 1900–1971. ~ Agamemnon; Andromache; Fates; Furies; Hades [2]; Helen of Troy; Jason, and the Argonauts; Odysseus, in the Underworld, Return, Death; Oedipus, at Colonus; Orestes; Pentheus; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Ségalen, Victor. French dramatist. 1878–1919. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Segerstam, Leif. Finnish composer. 1944–. ~ Pandora.

Seghers, Daniel. Flemish painter. 1590–1661. ~ Eros, General List.

Seghers, Gerard. Flemish painter. 1591–1651. Amphitrite; Athena, General List (see Peter Paul Rubens, 1622–25); Europa (see Jacob Jordaens, c.1615– 16); Gods and Goddesses, General List; Silenus; Zeus, General List (see Rubens, 1622–25).

Segrais, Jean Regnauld de. French dramatist. 1624–1701. ~ Arris; Phaedra and Hippolytus.

Sehlbach, Erich. German composer, b. 1898. ~ Prometheus, Creator.

Seiber, Màtyàs. Hungarian-British composer. 1905–1960. ~ Odysseus, General List.

Seidel, Willy. German novelist. 1887–1934. ~ Achilles, Death.

Seidelmann, E. German composer. 19th century. ~ Andromache.

Seifert, Jaroslav. Czech poet. 1901–1986. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Seiter, Daniel. German painter. 1649–1705. ~ Adonis; Aphrodite, Venus Frigida; Daphne; Endymion; Galatea; Icarus and Daedalus; Marsyas; Paris, Judgment.

Seitz, Gustav. German sculptor. 1908–. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Danaë; Graces; Paris, Judgment; Silenus.

Sekles, Bernhard. German composer. 1872–1934. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Selig, Richard. American poet. 1929–1957. ~ Achilles, Death; Agamemnon; Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Eros, General List; Narcissus; Odysseus, Circe; Orestes; Persephone, General List; Phoenix; Theseus, Coming of Age.

Selig, Robert Leigh. American composer. 1939–1984. ~ Orestes.

Sellaer (Zeelare, Zellaer), Vincent. Flemish painter. 1539–1589. ~ Aphrodite, and Satyrs.

Sellajo (Sellaio), Jacopo del. Italian painter, ca.1441–1493. ~ Actaeon; Aphrodite, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Psyche.

Selmer, Johan Peter. Norwegian composer. 1844–1910. ~ Prometheus, General List.

Sena, Jorge de. Portuguese poet. 1919–1978. ~ Ariadne; Minotaur; Odysseus, General List.

Sender, Ramon José. Mexican novelist. 1901/02–1982. Ariadne.

Senilov, Vladimir. Russian composer. 1875–1918. ~ Pan, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus.

Séon, Alexandre. French painter. 1855–1917. Hermaphroditus (see Joséphin Péladan, 1891); Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice.


Sequoio, Ron. American choreographer. 20th century. ~ Clytie.

Serebrier, José. Uruguayan-American composer. 1938–. ~ Orpheus, General List (see Gerald Arpino, 1976).

Sergei, Johan Tobias. Swedish sculptor. 1740–1814.  ~ Achilles, Infancy; Aphrodite, General List, and Anchises; Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Diomedes; Dionysus, Infancy; Eros, General List; Hbra; Muses, Drama; Nymphs, General List; Pan, General List; Patroclus; Persephone, Demeter’s Search; Psyche; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Zeus, General List.

Serio, Luigi. Italian dramatist. 1744–1799. ~ Endymion (see Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi, 1781); Iphigenia, at Aulis (see Vicente Martin y Soler, 1779, and Alessio Prati, 1784); Orestes (see Domenico Cimarosa, 1783).

Serocki, Kazimierz. Polish composer. 1922–1981. ~ Niobe.

Serov, Valentin. Russian painter. 1865–1911. ~ Actaeon; Apollo, as Sun God; Daphne; Europa; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Niobe; Nymphs, Naiads; Odysseus, Nausicaä.

Servais, François Mathieu. Belgian composer. 1846– 1901. ~ Creusa.

Servandoni, Jean-Nicolas. French dramatist. 1695–1766. ~ Pandora.

Settle, Elkanah. English dramatist. 1648–1724. ~ Cassandra (see Gottfried Finger, 1701); Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Matthew Locke, 1673); Trojan War, Fall of Troy (see Finger, 1701).

Seuphor, Michel [Ferdinand Louis Berckelaers]. Belgian painter. 1901–. ~ Orpheus, Death.

Sève, Gilbert de. French painter. 1615–1698. ~ Apollo, as Sun God (see Charles de La Fosse, early 1670s); Dido.

Sève, Pierre de. French painter. 1623–1695. ~ Aphrodite, General List (see René Antoine Houasse, early 1670s); Cronus, General List (see Charles Nocret, early 1670s).

Séverac, Déodat de. French composer. 1872–1921. Aeneas, and Dido; Dioscuri (see Emile Verhaeren, 1909); Helen of Troy (see Verhaeren, 1909).

Severn, Margaret. American choreographer. 1901–. ~ Bacchanalia.

Severo da Ravenna. Italian sculptor, fl. late 15th/early 16th century. ~ Poseidon, General List.

Sewell, Robert van Vorst. American painter, 1860–1924. ~ Persephone, General List.

Sexton, Anne. American poet. 1928–1974. ~ Furies; Icarus and Daedalus.

Seydelmann, Franz. German composer. 1748–1806. ~ Odysseus, Circe.

Seyfried, Ignaz von. Austrian composer. 1776–1841. ~ Apollo, Loves.

Sgricci, Tommaso. Italian dramatist. 1788–1836. ~ Atreus and Thyestes; Hector, General List; Idomeneus; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Orpheus, and Eurydice; POLYXENA.

Shadwell, Thomas. English dramatist. 1641/42–1692. ~ Psyche.

Shaftesbury, Lord (Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury). English essayist. 1671–1713.  ~ Heracles, Choice.

Shakespeare, William. English dramatist, poet. 1564–1616. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, and Dido; Ages of the World; Amazons; Amphitryon and Alcmene; Aphrodite, General List; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Artemis of Ephesus; Bacchanalia; Demeter; Eros, General List; Flora, General List; Hades [2]; Hecate; Hector, General List; Helen of Troy; Hera; Heracles, General List; Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander; Hymen; Hyperion; Iris; Laomedon; Medea; Muses, General List; Niobe; Orestes; Orpheus, General List; Paris, and Helen; Persephone, General List; Philomela and Procne; Phoenix; Pirithous, General List; Poseidon, General List; Proteus; Pygmalion; Pyramus and Thisbe; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Theseus, General List, and the Amazons; Troilus and Cressida; Trojan War, General List, Fall of Troy; Zeus, General List, Loves.

Shamlu, Ahmad. Iranian poet. 1925–. ~ Phoenix.

Shanks, Edward. English poet. 1892–1953. ~ Achilles, at Scyros.

Shannon, Charles. English painter. 1863–1937. ~ Amazons; Aphrodite, General List; Dionysus, Infancy; Nymphs, General List.

Shannon, Joseph (Joe). American painter. 1933–. ~ Minotaur.

Shapiro, Karl. American poet. 1913–. ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Philomela and Procne.

Sharpham, Edward. English dramatist. 1576–1608. ~ Eros, General List.

Shaw, George Bernard. Irish dramatist. 1856–1950. ~ Pygmalion.

Shaw, Robert B. American poet. 1947–. ~ Narcissus.

Shawn, Ted. American choreographer. 1891–1972. ~ Adonis; Bacchanalia; Dionysus, General List; Endymion; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Prometheus, Bound.

Shchedrin, Fedosii. Russian sculptor. 1751–1825. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Artemis; Endymion; MarSYAS.

Sheck, Laurie. American poet. 20th century. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Io; Niobe; Orpheus, Death; Persephone, General List; Prometheus, Bound.

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. English poet, novelist. 1797–1851. ~ Midas, Judgment; Persephone, General List; Prometheus, Creator.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. English poet. 1792–1822. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Ages of the World; Alpheus and Arethusa; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List, as Sun God; Athena, General List; Atlantis; Atlas; Bacchanalia; Dioscuri; Gaia; Hades [2]; Hermes, General List, Infancy; Hestia; Iris; Medusa; Midas, Judgment (see Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 1820); Muses, Astronomy; Nymphs, Dryads; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List, Loves; Pasiphaë; Persephone, General List; Philomela and Procne; Pleiades; Prometheus, Freed; Proteus; Selene; Syrinx; Thetis, General List; Zephyr; Zeus, General List.

Shelley, Samuel. English painter. 1750–1808. ~ Fates.

Shenstone, William. English poet. 1714–1763. ~ Heracles, Choice.

Shepard, Sam. American dramatist. 1943–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.

Shepery, John. English poet. 16th century. ~ Phaedra and Hippolytus.

Shepherd, Richard. English dramatist. 1732?–1809. ~ Hector, General List.

Sherburne, Edward. English dramatist, poet. 1618–1702. ~ Hermaphroditus; Icarus and Daedalus; Medea; Theseus, and Helen; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Irish dramatist. 1751–1816. ~ Zeus, General List.

Shield, William. English composer. 1748–1829. ~ Heracles, and Omphale (see William Reeve, 1794).

Shields, Alice. American composer. 1943–. ~ Odysseus, General List.

Shifrin, Roy. American sculptor. 1938–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.

Shifrin, Seymour. American composer. 1926–1979. ~ Helen of Troy.

Shirley, James. English poet, dramatist. 1596–1666. ~ Ajax; Arcadia; Eros, General List; Hera; Hymen; Narcissus; Paris, Judgment.

Shirley, William. English dramatist, fl. 1739–80. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene; Hecate; Heracles, Birth; Orestes.

Shostakovich, Dmitry. Soviet composer. 1906–. ~ Ages of the World (see E. I. Kaplan et al., 1931).

Shott, Jackie. American sculptor, d. 1980. ~ Demeter.

Sibelius, Jean. Finnish composer. 1865–1957. ~ Narcissus; Nymphs, Dryads, Nereids; Orion; Pan, Loves.

Sibencanin, Ivan. Croatian composer, c. 1640–1705. ~ Atalanta.

Sicard, François. French sculptor. 1862–1934. ~ Apollo, General List; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Pan, General List.

Sicilianos, Yorgos. Greek composer. 1922–1973. ~ Heracles, Madness; Medea; Pentheus.

Sidney, Philip. English poet. 1554–1586. ~ Amphion; Apollo, General List, as Sun God; Arcadia; Eros, General List; Gods and Goddesses, Vice and Virtue; Heracles, General List; Hymen; Muses, General List; Narcissus;. Pan, General List; Philomela and Procne; Selene.

Siegert, Georg. German dramatist. 1836–1921. Agamemnon; Orestes.

Sievier, Robert William. English sculptor. 1794–1865. ~ Bacchanalia; Nymphs, General List.

Sigismondo, Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1739–1826. ~ Endymion.

Sigman, Jorg. German sculptor, c.1527–c.1601. ~ Medusa.

Signorelli, Luca. Italian painter. 1441–1523. ~ Eros, General List; Odysseus, General List; Orpheus, General List; Pan, General List; Trojan War, General List.

Signori, Carlo Sergio. Italian-French sculptor. 1906–. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Sigrist, Franz. German painter. 1727–1803. ~ Dionysus, and Ariadne.

Sigurbjôrnsson, Thorkell. Icelandic composer. 1938–. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sikelianos, Angelos (Angelou Sikelianou). Greek poet. 1884–1951. ~ Aphrodite, Birth; Artemis; Asclepius and Hygieia; Astarte; Dionysus, General List, and Ariadne, Infancy; Hades [i]; Hades [2]; Helen of Troy; Icarus and Daedalus; Leto; Pan, General List; Pasiphaë; Patroclus; Pegasus; Persephone, Demeter’s Search.

Sikes, Frank. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Danaïds.

Sikora, Elzbieta. Polish composer. 1943–. ~ Ariadne.

Silfverstolpe, Gunnar. Swedish poet. 1893–1942. Arcadia.

Silsbee, Ann Loomis. American composer. 1930–. ~ Prometheus, General List.

Silva, Antônio José da. Portuguese dramatist. 1705–1739. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene.

Silva, Joâo Cordeiro da. Portuguese composer, c. 1735– 1808? ~ Baucis and Philemon; Cadmus.

Silvani, Gherardo. Italian sculptor. 1579–1673. ~ Cronus, General List.

Silvester, Frank. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Paris, Judgment.

Silvestre, Louis de, the Younger. French painter. 1675– 1760. ~ Actaeon; Amphitrite; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Arion; Artemis; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Galatea; Hector, General List; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaethon; Psyche; Satyrs, and Nymphs.

Silvestre Rodriquez de Mesa, Gregorio. Portuguese poet. 1520–1569. ~ Narcissus; Pyramus and Thisbe.

Simart, Pierre Charles. French sculptor. 1806–1857. ~ Orestes.

Simcox, George Augustus. English poet. 1841–1905. Hades [i]; Jason, Hypsipyle; Mnemosyne; Polyxena.

Simic, Charles. Yugoslav-American poet. 1938–. ~ Ariadne; Atlantis (see Slavko Mihalic, 1953–82); Hades [2] (see also Ivan Lallc, 1988); Orpheus, Death (see Lalic, 1988).

Simmons, Franklin. American sculptor. 1839–1913. ~ Alcestis; Penelope.

Simon, Antoine. French-Russian composer. 1850–1916. ~ Eos, General List (see Ivan Khlustin, 1898).

Simon, Claude. French novelist. 1913–. ~ Orion.

Simpson, Louis. American poet. 1923–. ~ Aphrodite, Cythera; Helen of Troy; Odysseus, Sirens, Return; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Perseus, and Andromeda; Psyche.

Singer (Rowe), Elizabeth. English poet. 1674–1737. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Singleton, Henry. English painter. 1766–1839. ~ Hades [i]; Hades [2].

Sinibaldi, Giovanni. Italian dramatist. 16th century. ~ Meleager, General List.

Sinôpoulos, Tâkis. Greek poet. 1917–1979? ~ Helen of Troy; Odysseus, in the Underworld, Last Voyage; Paris, General List, and Helen.

Sintenis, Renée. German sculptor. 1888–1965. ~ Daphne; Daphnis and Chloe; Pegasus; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Sirens.

Sinues y Navarro, Maria del Pilar. Spanish novelist. 1835–1893. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.

Sion, Georges. Belgian dramatist. 1913–. ~ Widow of Ephesus.

Sirani, Elisabetta. Italian painter. 1638–1665. ~ Eros, General List, Triumphant (see Guido Reni, 1642); Europa (see Reni, 1636–37).

Sirani, Giovanni Andrea. Italian painter. 1610–1670. ~ Dionysus, Infancy (see Guido Reni, 1642); Eros, General List, Punishment (see Reni, 1626); Europa (see Reni, 1636–37); Heracles, Infant Heracles; Paris, Judgment; Perseus, and Andromeda (see Reni, 1635– 36); Poseidon, General List (see Reni, e.1632).

Sisson, C(harles) H(erbert). English poet. 1914–. ~ Achilles, Return to Battle; Actaeon; Aeneas, Flight from Troy, Wanderings; Aphrodite, and Anchises; Daphne; Eros, General List; Helen of Troy; Hesperides; Narcissus; Odysseus, General List, Circe; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice, Death; Pygmalion; Troilus and Cressida; Trojan War, Wooden Horse, Fall of Troy.

Sitwell, Edith. English poet. 1887–1964. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Aphrodite, General List; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Hades [2]; Medusa; Midas, General List; Nymphs, Naiads; Oedipus, General List, and the Sphinx; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pandora; Paris, Judgment; Prometheus, Bound; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Sisyphus.

Sitwell, Osbert. English poet. 1892–1969. ~ Bacchanalia; Jason, and the Argonauts (see Adolf Schafheidin, 1917); Poseidon, General List.

Sitwell, Sacheverell. English poet. 1897–1988. ~ Actaeon; Aeneas, Shipwreck, and Dido; Agamemnon; Aphrodite, General List; Centaurs; Cephalus and Procris; Daphne; Dionysus, General List; Heracles, General List, Apotheosis; Hermes, General List; Laocoön; Orion; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Poseidon, General List (see George Balanchine, 1926); Syrinx.

Six, Jan. Dutch dramatist. 1618–1700. ~ Athena, General List (see Rembrandt van Rijn, 1632); Medea (see Rembrandt van Rijn, 1648).

Skalkottas, Nikolaos (Nikos). Greek composer. 1904– 1949. ~ Odysseus, Return.

Skeaping, Mary. English choreographer. 1902–. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Eros, General List; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Skelton, John. English poet. 1460?–1529. ~ Acontius and Cydippe; Adonis; Athena, General List; Daphne; Hades [2]; Muses, Poetry and Music; Phoenix; Troilus and Cressida.

Skelton, Robin. English poet. 1925–. ~ Muses, General List.

Skibine, George (Georges). Russian-American choreographer. 1920–1981. ~ Achilles, General List; Atlantis (see Serge Lifar, 1958); Daphnis and Chloe; Dionysus, and Ariadne.

Skinner, Freda. English sculptor. 20th century. ~ Phoenix.

Sklavos, George. Greek composer. 1888–1976. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene; Arcadia.

Skryabin (Scriabin), Alexander. Russian composer. 1872–1915. ~ Prometheus, Creator.

Slauerhofif, Jan Jacob. Dutch poet. 1898–1936. ~ Cronus, General List.

Sleigh, Sylvia. Welsh-American painter. 20th century. ~ Ares and Aphrodite.

Slevogt, Max. German painter. 1868–1932. ~ Achilles, General List; Danaë.

Slodtz, Paul Ambroise. French sculptor. 1702–1758. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.

Slonimsky, Sergei. Soviet composer. 1932–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus (see Vladimir Vasiliev, 1971).

Slonimsky, Yuri. Russian librettist. 1902–1978. ~ Icarus and Daedalus (see Vladimir Vasiliev, 1971).

Slowacki, Juliusz. Polish poet. 1809–1849. ~ Agamemnon.

Sluys, Jacob van der. Dutch painter, c. 1660–1732. ~ Satyrs, and Nymphs.

Small, Robert. American choreographer. 1949–. ~ Athena, General List.

Smart, Christopher. English poet. 1722–1771. ~ Daphne; Midas, Judgment.

Smeken, Jan. Dutch dramatist, r.1450–1517. ~ Ares and Aphrodite.

Smit, Leo. American composer. 1921–. ~ Fates.

Smith, Alice Mary (Mrs. Meadows White). English composer. 1839–1884. ~ Endymion; Jason, and the Argonauts; Pandora. Smith, Arthur J. M. Canadian poet. 1902–. ~ Proteus.

Smith, Chard Powers. American poet. 1894–1977. ~ Pan, General List.

Smith, David. American sculptor. 1906–1965. ~ Europa; Leda; Muses, Dance, Poetry and Music; Sirens.

Smith, Edmund. English dramatist. ‘1672–1710. ~ Phaedra and Hippolytus.

Smith, George Washington. American choreographer. 1820–1899. ~ Artemis.

Smith, Harry B. American librettist. 1860–1936. See listings far Julian Edwards, 1892: Amphitryon and Alcmene; Zeus, General List.

Smith, Horace. English dramatist. 1779–1849. ~ Pan, General List.

Smith, lain Crichton (Iain Mac A’Ghobhainn). Scottish poet. 1928–. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice.

Smith, James. English dramatist, fl. 1640–58. ~ Penelope.

Smith, John Christopher (Johann Christoph Schmidt). German-English composer. 1712–1795. ~ Jason, Hypsipyle; Medea; Odysseus, Return.

Smith, Leland. American composer. 1925–. ~ Orpheus, General List.

Smith, Sydney Goodsir. Scottish poet. 1915–1975. ~ Aeneas, in the Underworld; Aphrodite, General List; Ares; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Prometheus, General List; Troilus and Cressida.

Smith, William Jay. American poet. 1918–. ~ Amazons (see Andrei Voznesénsky, 1966).

Smith, William O. American composer. 1926–. ~ Janus.

Smith Brindle, Reginald. English composer. 1917–. ~ Antigone.

Smits, Eugène. Belgian painter. 1826–1912. ~ Artemis; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Paris, Judgment.

Smolé, Dominik. Yugoslav dramatist. 1929–. ~ Antigone.

Smollett, Tobias. English novelist. 1721–1771. ~ Alcestis; Hades [2] (see George Frideric Handel, 1750); Pygmalion.

Smuin, Michael. American choreographer. 1938–. ~ Medea.

Smyth, Edward. Irish sculptor. 1746–1812. ~ Athena, General List.

Smyth, John. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Aeneas, in Latium.

Snizkova-Skrhova, Jitka. Czech composer. 1924–. ~ Ariadne.

Snodgrass, William DeWitt. American poet. 1926–. ~ Apollo, General List; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice.

Snoilsky, Karl Johan Gustav. Swedish poet. 1841–1903. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Snyder, Gary. American poet. 1930–. ~ Europa.

Snyders (Snijders), Frans. Flemish painter. 1579–1657. See listings fir Peter Paul Rubens: Adonis (r.1602); Antiope, General List (c.1617); Demeter (c.1617); Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons (ca.1630); Heracles, and Deianeira (1600–08); Meleager, Boar Hunt (1614–15); Nymphs, Naiads (ca.1615); Orpheus, General List (1636–38); Satyrs, and Nymphs (1612–14); Pan, General List (1601–08) (c.1630); Prometheus, Bound (1610–11, see also Jacob Jordaens, c.1640); see also Artemis (see Jan Brueghel the Elder, ca.1620–21); Nymphs, General List (see Hendrik van Balen, ca.1621, and Jan Brueghel the Younger, 1627).

Soares, Janet Mansfield. American choreographer. 20th century. ~ Chimaera.

Sôdergran, Edith. Finland-Swedish poet. 1892–1923. ~ Dionysus, General List, and Ariadne; Eros, General List; Hades [2].

Sodoma [Giovanni Antonio Bazzi], Italian painter. 1477.–1549. ~ Ares and Aphrodite; Cephalus and Procris; Daphne; Eros, and Anteros; Graces; Hephaestus; Marsyas (see Sienese School, early 16th century); Pan, General List; Phaethon; Syrinx; see also listings for Leonardo da Vinci, ca.1310–15: Dioscuri; Helen of Troy; Leda.

Soens, Jan. Dutch painter. 1547/48–1611/14. ~ Persephone, General List.

Sogner, Tommaso. Spanish-Italian composer. 1762– ca.1821. ~ Galatea.

Sografi, Simeone Antonio. Italian poet. 1759–ca.1818. ~ Alcestis (see Marcos Antonio Portugal, 1798); Danaïds (see Stefano Pavesi, 1816); Deucalion and Pyrrha (see Ferdinando Bertoni, 1786); Heracles, Labors of. Girdle of Hippolyta (see Sebastiano Nasolini, 1791); Jason, Golden Fleece (see Giuseppe Gazzaniga, 1789); Oedipus, at Colonus (see Niccolô Zingarelli, 1802); Pygmalion (see Luigi Cherubini, 1809); Telemachus (see Antonio Calegari, 1792, and Simon Mayr, 1797).

Sokolow, Anna. American choreographer. 1912–. ~ Antigone.

Solari, Pietro. Italian sculptor. ?–1790. ~ Actaeon (see Paolo Persico, 1790).

Solari, Tommaso. Italian sculptor. 1820–1878. ~ Bacchanalia.

Soldani-Benzi, Massimiliano. Italian sculptor. 1658–1740. ~ Adonis; Athena, General List; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda.

Sole, Giovanni Gioseffo del. Italian painter. 1654–1719. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Boreas; Callisto; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eos, General List.

Soler, Josep. Catalan composer. 1935–. ~ Agamemnon; Danaë; Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, General List.

Solimena, Francesco. Italian painter. 1657–1747. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Aphrodite, General List; Athena, General List; Boreas; Callisto (see Nicola Maria Rossi, ca.1755); Cephalus and Procris; Circe; Endymion; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List, Apotheosis; Phaethon.

Solis, Francisco (de). Spanish painter. 1629–1684. Heracles, and Antaeus; Heracles, Labors of, General List.

Solis y Rivadeneira, Antonio de. Spanish poet, dramatist. 1610–1686. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Solnitz, Anton Wilhelm. Bohemian composer, c. 1708/ 22–ca.1758. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sologub, Fyodor [Fyodor K. Tetemikovj. Russian dramatist. 1863–1927. ~ Protesilaus and Laodamia.

Solomon, Edward. English composer. 1855–1895. ~ Penelope.

Solomon, Simeon. English painter. 1840–1905. ~ Daphne; Dionysus, General List; Eos, General List.

Solomon, Solomon J(oseph). English painter. 1860–1927. ~ Aphrodite, Birth; Bacchanalia; Cassandra; Eros, Education; Narcissus; Niobe; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Paris, Judgment; Psyche.

Somarè, Enrico. Italian poet. 1889–1953. ~ Mnemosyne.

Somers, Harry. Canadian composer. 1925–. Agamemnon (see Grant Strate, 1963); Orestes (see Grant Strate, 1963).

Somervell, Arthur. English composer. 1863–1937. ~ Amphion.

Somma, Antonio. Italian poet. 1809–1864. ~ Cassandra.

Sommer, Henry. English dramatist, fl. 1734–40. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sommer, Vladimir. Czech composer. 1921–. ~ Antigone.

Sommers, Daria E. American composer. 1956–. Memnon.

Sonnenschein, Valentine. German sculptor. 1749–1828. ~ Aphrodite, Birth.

Sonzogno, Giulio Cesare. Italian composer. 1906–1976. ~ Myrrha.

Soproni, Jôzsef. Hungarian composer. 1930–. ~ Antigone.

Sor (Sors), Fernando. Spanish composer. 1778–1839. ~ Graces (see August Bournonville, 1829); Heracles, and Omphale; Telemachus.

Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji. English-Spanish-Parsi composer. b.1892. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Sorel, Charles. French poet. 1599?–1674. ~ Polyxena (see François de Molière, 1623); Pygmalion.

Sorge, Reinhard Johannes. German dramatist. 1892– 1916. ~ Odysseus, General List; Prometheus, General List.

Soriano Jara, Elena. Spanish novelist. 1917–. ~ Medea

Sotheby, William. English dramatist. 1757–1833. ~ Orestes.

Soto de Rojas, Pedro. Spanish poet. 1584–1658. ~ Adonis; Phaethon.

Soudeikine, Serge. Russian-American scenic designer. 1882–1946. ~ Bacchanalia (see Mikhail Mordkin, 1936).

Soulès, Félix. French sculptor. 1857–1904. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.

Soumet, Alexandre. French poet. 1788–1845. ~ Agamemnon; Orestes.

Souris, André. Belgian composer. 1899–1970. ~ Pasiphaë.

Sousa de Macedo, Antonio de. Portuguese poet. 1606–1682. ~ Odysseus, General List.

Sousa Mejia, Bartolomé de. Portuguese dramatist. 1723–? ~ Aeneas, in Latium.

Souster, Raymond. Canadian poet. 1921–. ~ Hades [2] (see Irving Layton, 1952).

Southall, Joseph. English painter. 1861–1944. ~ Ariadne.

Southern, John. English poet. 16th century. ~ Pandora.

Southesk, James Carnegie, Earl of. Scottish poet. 1827–1905. ~ Theseus, General List.

Soyinka, Wole. Nigerian dramatist. 1934–. ~ Pentheus.

Spada, Lionello. Italian painter. 1576–1622. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy.

Spagna, Giovanni lo. See Giovanni lo Spagna.

Spagnulo, Giuseppe. Italian sculptor. 1936–. ~ Achilles, Return to Battle; Leda.

Spangenberg, Wolfhart. German poet, dramatist. c.1570–c.1636. ~ Ajax; Alcestis; Amphitryon and Alcmene; PolyDORUS; POLYXENA.

Sparemblek, Milko. Yugoslav choreographer. 1928–. ~ Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Sparling, Peter. American choreographer. 1951–. ~ Orion.

Spaventa, George. American sculptor. 1918–. ~ Phoenix.

Speckaert, Hans (Jan). Flemish painter. ?-ca.1577. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Midas, Judgment; Paris, Judgment; Parnassus; Titans and Giants.

Speckter, Erwin. German painter. 1806–1835. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Muses, General List.

Spelman, Timothy. American composer. 1891–1970. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Spence, Benjamin. English sculptor. 1822–1866. ~ Phaedra and Hippolytus; Psyche.

Spence, Thomas. English painter. 1855–c.1920. ~ Penelope.

Spencer, Bernard. English poet. 1909–1963. ~ Clytie.

Spencer, Stanley. English painter. 1891–1959. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Spencer, Theodore. American poet. 1902–1949. ~ Muses, General List; Phoenix.

Spender, Stephen. English poet. 1909–. ~ Antigone; Fates; Furies; Icarus and Daedalus; Oedipus, General List, at Colonus.

Spenser, Edmund. English poet. 1552?–1599. ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Acontius and Cydippe; Adonis; Aeneas, General List, and Dido; Ages of the World; Amazons; Amphitrite; Amphitryon and Alcmene; Aphrodite, General List, Birth, Worship; Apollo, Loves; Arachne; Ares and Aphrodite; Ariadne; Arion; Artemis; Atalanta; Athena, General List, Contest with Poseidon; Byblis and Caunus; Chimaera; Cronus, General List; Cybele; DanaB; Daphne; Dionysus, General List; Eos, General List, and Tithonus; Erigone; Eros, General List, and the Bee; Europa; Fates; Flora, General List; Ganymede; Gods and Goddesses, General List, Loves; Graces; Hades [2]; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, General List, Death; Heracles, Labors of, Lemean Hydra, Cattle of Geryon; Hermes, General List; Hesperides; Hyacinth; Hymen; Io; Janus; Jason, and the Argonauts; Leda; Medea; Medusa; Mnemosyne; Muses, General List, Drama; Myrrha; Narcissus; Oceanus; Odysseus, Return; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Pandora; Paris, General List; Penelope; Penthesilea; Pentheus; Persephone, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Phaethon; Phoenix; Poseidon, General List, Loves; Prometheus, Creator; Proteus; Psyche; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Selene; Seven against Thebes; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Sirens; Syrinx; Tantalus; Titans and Giants; Uranus; Zeus, General List.

Speyer, Leonora. American poet. 1872–1956. ~ Medusa.

Spicer, Henry. English dramatist. ?–1891. ~ Alcestis.

Spies, Leo. German composer. 1899–1965. ~ Daphne.

Spillenberger, Johann. German painter. 1628–1679. ~ Odysseus, Circe (see Karl Borromaeus Andres Ruthart, 1666); Polyxena.

Spindler, Franz Stanislaus. German composer. 1763– 1819. ~ Pyramus and Thisbe.

Spitteler, Carl. Swiss poet. 1845–1924. ~ Apollo, General List; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hera; Heracles, General List; Pandora; Prometheus, General List; Zeus, General List.

Spivack, Kathleen. American poet. 1938–. ~ Helen of Troy.

Spontini, Gasparo Luigi. Italian composer. 1774–1851. ~ Bacchanalia; Theseus, at Athens.

Spranger, Bartholomeus. Dutch painter. 1546–1611. ~ Adonis; Amphitrite; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, General List, Venus Frigida; Apollo, General List, Loves; Ares and Aphrodite; Ares and Athena; Cybele; Daphne; Demeter; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Galatea; Glaucus; Gods and Goddesses, General List, as Seasons; Hades [i]; Hades [2]; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, and Deianeira, and Omphale; Hermaphroditus; Hermes, General List; Leto; Odysseus, Circe; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Paris, Judgment; Parnassus; Pegasus; Perseus, and Medusa; Poseidon, General List, Loves; Psyche; Syrinx; Thetis, General List; Zeus, General List.

Springenschmid, Karl. Austrian novelist, b. 1897. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Spruyt, Johannes. Dutch painter. 1627/28–1671. ~ Artemis.

Spunda, Franz. German novelist, b. 1890. ~ Minos.

Spurling, John. English dramatist. 1936–. ~ Antigone.

Squire, John. English poet. 1884–1958. ~ Artemis of Ephesus.

Squires, Radcliffe. American poet. 1917–. ~ Ariadne; Hecate; Hermes, General List; Icarus and Daedalus; Medusa; Pleiades; Zeus, Loves.

Sreshta, R. R. Indian poet. 20th century. ~ Narcissus.

Staats, Léo. French choreographer. 1877–1952. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Astarte; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Stabinger, Mathias. German composer. 1750–c.1815. Amazons; Odysseus, Calypso; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pygmalion.

Staden, Johann. German composer. 1581–1634. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Orpheus, General List.

Stadler, Maximilian. Austrian composer. 1748–1833. ~ Polyxena.

Stadler, Toni. German sculptor, b. 1888. ~ Alpheus and Arethusa.

Staël, Madame de (Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de Staël-Holstein). French novelist. 1766– 1817. ~ Muses, Dance.

Staempfli, Edward. Swiss composer. 1908–. ~ Medea.

Staffa, Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1807–1877. ~ Alcestis.

Staffa, Scipione della. Italian poet. 17th century. ~ Adonis; Dionysus, Infancy.

Staggins, Nicholas. English composer. ?–1700. ~ Gallisto (see John Crowne, 1675).

Stagnelius, Erik Johan. Swedish dramatist. 1793–1823. ~ Acontius and Cydippe; Endymion; Narcissus; Orpheus, Death; Pentheus.

Stahl, Hermann. German author. 1908–. ~ Odysseus, Return.

Stahly, François. German-French sculptor. 1911–. ~ Medusa.

Stalbemt, Adriaen van. Flemish painter. 1580–1662. ~ Midas, Judgment.

Staley, Earl. American painter. 1938–. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Europa; Galatea; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion, Lemean Hydra; Icarus and Daedalus; Leda; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Odysseus, Circe; Perseus, and Medusa.

Stallaert, Joseph. Belgian painter. 1825–1903. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Polyxena.

Stampacchia, Francesco. Italian poet. 1878–1961. ~ Prometheus, Creator.

Stampiglia, Silvio. Italian poet, librettist. 1664–1725. Aeneas, in Latium (see Giovanni Bononcini, 1696); Aphrodite, General List (see Alessandro Scarlatti, c.1695–1700); Hymen (see Nicola Porpora, 1723); Nymphs, General List (see Scarlatti, 1706); Parthenope.

Stanford, Ann. American poet. 1916–. ~ Danaë; Odysseus, Circe; Pandora; Perseus, General List; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Stanford, Charles Villiers. Anglo-Irish composer. 1852– 1924. ~ Aphrodite, Tannhäuser; Oedipus, General List; Orestes.

Stange, Stanislaus. American librettist. 19th century. ~ Pygmalion (see Julian Edwards, 1896).

Stanhope, John Spencer. English painter. 1829–1908. ~ Cephalus and Procris; Eros, General List; Penelope; Psyche.

Stanley, Albert A(ugustus). American composer. 1851–1932. ~ Alcestis; Attis; Iphigenia, at Tauris.

Stanley, John. English composer. 1712–1786. ~ Arcadia; Heracles, Choice; Parnassus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Syrinx.

Stanley, Simon Carl. Danish sculptor. 1703–1761. ~ Demeter; Ganymede.

Stanley, Thomas. English poet. 1625–1678. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Daphne; Eros, and the Bee; Europa.

Stanton, Maura. American poet. 1946–. ~ Alcestis; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Atlantis; Hades [2]; Hector, General List; Hymen; Odysseus, Lotus-eaters, Sirens; Proteus.

Stanzione, Massimo. Italian painter. 1585–1656. ~ Bacchanalia; Orpheus, and Eurydice.

Stapleton, Pierre-Louis. See Hus, Eugène.

Stapylton (Stapleton), Robert. English dramatist. c.1605–1669. ~ Hero and Leander.

Starer, Robert. American composer. 1924–. ~ Phaedra and Hippolytus (see Martha Graham, 1962). Starzer, Joseph. Austrian composer. 1726/27–1787. Adonis; Atalanta; Endymion; Pandora; Paris, Judgment; see also listings for Jean-Georges Noverre: Agamemnon (1771); Aphrodite, General List (1758); Pyramus and Thisbe (1767); see also listings for Gaspare Angiolini: Apollo, General List (1763); Ariadne (1775); Artemis (1763); see also listings for Franz Anton Hilverding: Boreas (1760); Daphne (1763); Flora, General List (1760); Galatea (1753); Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons (1760); Parnassus (1763); Pygmalion (1763).

Statham, Francis Reginald. English poet. 19th century. ~ Cephalus and Procris; Hero and Leander.

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. American poet. 1833–1908. ~ Jason, Hylas; Pan, General List.

Steele, Richard. Anglo-Irish author. 1672–1729. ~ Heracles, Choice.

Steen, Jan. Dutch painter. 1626–1679. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis; Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Steenwijck, Hendrick van, the Younger. Dutch painter. 1580–1649. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy.

Steer, Philip Wilson. English painter. 1860–1942. Aphrodite, General List.

Steffani, Agostino. Italian composer. 1654–1728. Achilles, Wrath (see Pietro Torri, 1696); Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Bacchanalia; Heracles, and Deianeira; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Niobe.

Stegmann, Carl David. German composer. 1751–1826. ~ Apollo, as Shepherd; Baucis and Philemon.

Stegmayer, Matthaus. Austrian composer. 1771–1820. ~ Apollo, Loves (see Ignaz von Seyfried, 1807).

Steibelt, Daniel Gottlieb. German composer. 1765–1823. Ares; Bacchanalia; Paris, Judgment (see James Hervé D’Egville, 1804); Perseus, and Andromeda (see Pierre Gardel, 1810); Zephyr (see Pierre Gardel, 1802). Steidele, F. G. German dramatist. 18th century. ~ Andromache.

Stein, Charlotte von. German dramatist. 1742–1827. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.

Steinfiirth, Hermann. German painter. 1823–1880. Actaeon.

Stella, Jacques. French painter. 1596–1657. ~ Adonis; Ariadne; Artemis; Dionysus, General List (see Nicolas Poussin, c. 1626–27); Muses, General List; Niobe; Pan, General List (see Poussin, mid–1630s); Paris, Judgment; Silenus (see Poussin, mid–163os).

Stenborg, Carl. Swedish composer. 1752–1813. ~ Thetis, and Peleus.

Stepanchev, Stephen. Yugoslav-American poet. 1915–. ~ Medusa.

Stephan, Hanna. German novelist. 1902–. ~ Psyche.

Stephens, Henry P. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Pygmalion.

Stephens, James. Irish poet, novelist. 1880–1950. ~ Centaurs; Pan, General List.

Sterling, George. American poet. 1869–1926. ~ Circe; Nymphs, General List.

Sterling, John. Scottish poet. 1806–1844. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Icarus and Daedalus.

Stem, Ignaz (called Stella). German painter, active in Italy. 1680–1748. ~ Aeneas, Apotheosis; Eros, Punishment; Marsyas.

Stem, Maurice Reinhold von. German dramatist. 1860–1938. ~ Diomedes.

Stettner, Alois. Engraver. 20th century. ~ Bacchanalia; Odysseus, Calypso.

Steuben, Carl von. German painter, active in France. 1788–186. ~ Io.

Stevens, Alfred. English painter, sculptor. 1817–1875. Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Aphrodite, General List (see Titian, c.1514); Odysseus, Return; Persephone, General List.

Stevens, Wallace. American poet. 1879–1955. ~ Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List; Artemis; Hades [2]; Odysseus, Return, Last Voyage; Penelope; Zeus, Infancy.

Stevenson, Janet. American librettist. 1907–. ~ Lysistrata (see Henry Leland Clarke, 1969).

Stevenson, Robert Louis. Scottish poet. 1850–1894. ~ Arcadia; Pan, General List.

Stewart, Albert T. English-American sculptor. 1900–. ~ Orpheus, General List.

Stewart, Harold. Australian poet. 1916–. ~ Orpheus, General List; Phoenix.

Stewart, Julius. American painter. 1855–1919. ~ Nymphs, General List.

Sdckney, Trumbull. American poet. 1874–1904. ~ Deucalion and Pyrrha; Mnemosyne; Odysseus, Calypso; Prometheus, Creator.

Still, Robert. English composer. 1910–1971. ~ Oedipus, General List.

Stillingfleet, Benjamin. English librettist. 1702–1771. ~ Medea (see John Christopher Smith, 1760–61).

Stimmer, Tobias. German painter. 1539–1584. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Arion; Daphne.

Stjemhjelm (Stiemhielm), Georg. Swedish dramatist, poet. 1598–1672. ~ Eros, Punishment; Heracles, Choice (see Samuel Columbus, 1647); Heracles, Choice; Parnassus.

Stock, Ignatius van der. Dutch painter, fl. mid–17th century. ~ Artemis.

Stocker, Stella (née Prince). American composer. 1858– 1925. ~ Ganymede.

Stockhausen, Karlheinz. German composer. 1928–. ~ Orestes (see Manfred Taubert, 1972).

Stoddard, Richard. American poet. 1825–1903. ~ Arcadia; Flora, General List; Hades [2]; Persephone, Demeter’s Search; Sirens.

Stoessl, Otto. Austrian poet. 1875–1936. ~ Agamemnon; Arcadia; Hades [2]; Helen of Troy; Hephaestus; Muses, General List; Orestes; Orpheus, Death; Pan, General List; Penelope.

Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold von. Danish poet, dramatist. 1750–1819. ~ Priapus; Theseus, General List.

Stoldo di Lorenzi. Italian sculptor. 1534–1583. ~ Amphitrite; Aphrodite, Birth; Ares and Aphrodite; Galatea; Nymphs, Nereids.

Stôlzel, Gottfried Heinrich. German composer. 1690– 1749. ~ Adonis; Apollo, General List; Diomedes; Endymion; Flora, General List; Galatea; Heracles, Choice; Narcissus; Orion.

Stomer, Matthias. Dutch painter, c.1600–c.1650. ~ Persephone, Demeter’s Search.

Stone, Bentley. American choreographer. 1908–. ~ Flora, and Zephyr; Hermes, General List.

Stone, Nicholas. English sculptor, c. 1587–1647. ~ Artemis; Eros, Punishment.

Stoop, Maerten. Dutch painter, c.1620–1647. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Storace, Stephen (the Younger). Italian-English composer. 1762–1796. ~ Adonis (see Jean-Georges Noverre, 1773); Aeneas, and Dido.

Storey, George. English painter. 1834–1919. ~ Circe; Leda; Paris, and Oenone.

Storm, Theodor. German poet, novelist. 1817–1888. ~ Psyche.

Story, William Wetmore. American sculptor. 1819–1895. ~ Alcestis; Cassandra; Europa; Medea; Orestes; Pan, General List; Polyxena; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Tantalus.

Stothard, Thomas. English painter, engraver. 1755–1834. ~ Agamemnon; Ages of the World; Ariadne; Artemis; Eros, General List, Punishment; Flora, and Zephyr; Hector, General List; Heracles, Choice; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List; Odysseus, Calypso; Orestes; Patroclus; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Trojan War, General List.

Stott, William, of Oldham. English painter. 1857–1900. ~ Aphrodite, Birth.

Stoutenberg, Adrien. American poet. 1916–. ~ Bellerophon.

Stowell, Kent. American choreographer. 1939–. ~ Daphnis and Chloe.

Straet, Jan van der, called Giovanni Stradano. Flemish painter, active in Italy. 1523–1605. ~ Apollo, General List; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Odysseus, General List, Circe; Penelope; Pirithous. Wedding; Selene.

Strâhler, G. German dramatist. 20th century. ~ Sisyphus.

Strate, Grant. Canadian choreographer. 1927–. ~ Agamemnon; Orestes.

Strategis, Georgios. Greek poet. 1860–1938. ~ Psyche.

Strathmann, Carl. German painter. 1866–1939. ~ Danaë; Medusa.

Strattner, Georg Christoph. Hungarian-German composer. c. 1644–1704. ~ Atlas.

Strauss, Richard. German composer. 1864–1949. Ariadne; Danaë; Daphne; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Helen of Troy; Idomeneus; Odysseus, Circe; Orestes.

Strauss und Tomey, Viktor Friedrich von. German dramatist. 1809–1899. ~ Polyxena.

Stravinsky, Igor. Russian-American composer. 1882– 1971. ~ Adonis; Apollo, General List; Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Parnassus; Persephone, General List, Demeter’s Search; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Strawbridge, Edwin. American choreographer, c.1900-1957. ~ Orestes; Prometheus, General List, Bound.

Strecke, Gerhard. German composer, b. 1890. ~ Pandora.

Strickland, Lily Teresa. American composer. 1887–1958. ~ Pan, General List.

Striggio, Alessandro the Elder. Italian poet, c.1540–1592. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.

Striggio, Alessandro the Younger. Italian poet, f.1573– 1630. ~ See listings for Claudio Monteverdi: Daphne (c.1620); Orpheus, and Eurydice (1607); Shepherds and Shepherdesses (1616).

Strindberg, August. Swedish dramatist. 1849–1912. Heracles, Death; Heracles, Labors of, Stables of Augeas; Perseus, and Andromeda.

Stringer, Arthur John Arbuthnott. Canadian poet. 1874–1950. ~ Hephaestus.

Strobel, Heinrich. Swiss dramatist. 1898–1970. ~ Penelope (see Rolf Liebermann, 1954).

Strozzi, Barbara [Barbara di Santa Sofia]. Italian composer. 1619–ca.1664. ~ Muses, Poetry and Music.

Strozzi, Bernardo. Italian painter. 1581–1644. ~ Athena, General List; Europa; Gods and Goddesses, as Seatons.

Strozzi, Giulio. Italian dramatist. 1583–1660. ~ Achilles, at Scyros (see Francesco Sacrati, 1641); Amazons (see Pier Francesco Cavalli, 1652); Persephone, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Claudio Monteverdi, 1616).

Strudwick, John Melhuish. English painter. 1849–1937. ~ Fates; Glaucus; Marsyas.

Strangle, Nicolaus Adam. German composer. 1640– 1700. ~ Adonis; Alcestis; Amphitryon and Alcmene; Anttope, and Dirce (see Carlo Pallavicino, 1689); Erichthonius; Ixion; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Odysseus, Circe; Syrinx; Theseus, at Athens.

Stuck, Franz von. German painter. 1863–1928. ~ Actaeon; Amazons; Apollo, as Sun God; Ariadne; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Circe; Danaë; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Flora, General List; Furies; Hades [i]; Helen of Troy; Heracles, and Deianeira; Heracles, Labors of, Lemean Hydra; Leda; Medea; Medusa; Minotaur; Muses, Poetry and Music; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List, Naiads; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Orestes; Orpheus, General List, Death; Pan, General List; Paris, Judgment; Perseus, and Andromeda; Prometheus, Bound; Pygmalion; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, ancfNymphs; Sisyphus.

Stuck, Jean-Baptiste (called Baptistin or Batistin). German-Italian composer. 1680–1755. ~ Cassandra; Cephalus and Procris; Meleager, General List; Polydorus.

Stucken, Eduard. German dramatist. 1865–1936. ~ Myrrha.

Studer, Hans. Swiss composer. 1911–. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Pan, General List.

Stùparich, Giani. Italian novelist, poet. 1891–1961. ~ Paris, Judgment.

Styka, Tadeusz. Polish painter. 1889–1934. ~ Orpheus, General List; Prometheus, Bound.

Styrke, Issachar. English dramatist. 18th/19th century. ~ Alcestis.

Suarès, André [Félix André Yves Scantrel]. French dramatist. 1868–1948. ~ Achilles, Return to Battle; Atlas; Helen of Troy; Orestes; Pasiphaë; Polyxena; Troilus and CresSIDA.

Suarez de Deza, Vicente. Spanish dramatist. 17th century. ~ Muses, Dance.

Subleyras, Pierre. French painter. 1699–1749. ~ Endymion; Hades [a]; Persephone, General List.

Subirachs, Josep Maria. Spanish sculptor. 1927–.  ~ Sirens.

Suesse, Dana. American composer. 1911–. ~ Aphrodite, General List.

Sullivan, Arthur. English composer. 1842–1900. ~ Amazons (see W. S. Gilbert, 1870); Apollo, General List; Ares; Artemis; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hermes, General List; Zeus, General List.

Sully-Prudhomme, René François Armand. French poet. 1839–1907. ~ Heracles, Labors of, Stables of Augeas.

Sumarokov, Aleksandr Petrovich. Russian dramatist. 1717–1777. ~ Alcestis (see Hermann Friedrich Raupach, 1758); Narcissus.

Sundblad-Halme, Heidi. Finnish composer. 1903–1973. ~ Pan, General List.

Supervielle, Jules. French author. 1884–1960. ~ Orpheus, General List.

Suppé, Franz von. German composer. 1819–1895. ~ Pygmalion; Tantalus.

Susini, Giovanni Francesco. Italian sculptor. ?–1646. ~ Eros, Punishment; Hermaphroditus; Hermes, General List (see Giambologna, c. 1560-61); Paris, and Helen.

Sussmann-Hellbom, Ludwig. German sculptor. 1828–1908. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Süssmayr, Franz Xaver. Austrian composer. 1766–1803. ~ Arcadia; Pyramus and Thisbe.

Sustris, Friedrich. Dutch painter, active in Italy, ca.1540–1599. ~ Aphrodite, General List (see Lambert Sustris, f.1539); Arachne; Ares and Aphrodite (see Lambert Sustris, 1568); Bacchanalia; Daphne; Demeter; Dionysus, General List; Fates; Heracles, Choice; Io; Midas, Judgment; Phaethon.

Sustris, Lambert. Dutch painter, active in Germany and Italy. 1515/20–after 1568. ~ Actaeon; Adonis (see Jacopo Tintoretto, 1543–44); Aeneas, and Dido; Aphrodite, General List, Birth (see Andrea Schiavone, 1563); Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Centaurs (see Schiavone, r. 1540–45?); Eros, General List (see Paolo Veronese, c.1576–78). Education (see Titian, c.1565). Punishment (see Titian, c. 1565); Europa; Hephaestus; Io; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Midas, Judgment; Nymphs, General List (see Giorgione, c.1477–1510); Paris, Judgment, and Helen; Persephone, General List; Priapus; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Suter, W. E. English dramatist, fl. 1851–77. ~ Phaethon.

Sutermeister, Heinrich. Swiss composer. 1910–. ~ Niobe.

Sutherland, Howard. American poet. b. 1868. ~ Apollo, Loves; Galatea; Pan, Loves.

Suvée, Joseph-Benoît. Flemish painter. 1743–1807. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Ares and Athena; Hector, Death.

Swados, Elizabeth. American composer. 1951–. ~ Agamemnon; Medea; Orestes; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.

Swain, Freda Mary. English composer. 1902–1985. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.

Swan, John Macallan. English painter, sculptor. 1847– 1910. ~ Orpheus, General List; Sirens.

Swan, Paul. American choreographer. 1883–1972. ~ Bacchanalia.

Swanenburgh, Jacob van. Dutch painter, fl. 1571–1638. ~ Hades [2].

Swaneveldt, Herman van. Dutch painter, engraver. c.1600–1655. ~ Daphne; Telemachus.

Swart, Jan, called Jan van Groningen. Flemish painter, engraver. c.1500?–1535/60. ~ Cassandra; Heracles, General List; Silenus.

Swenson, May. American poet. 1919–. ~ Centaurs.

Swift, Joan. American poet. 1926–. ~ Daphne.

Swift, Jonathan. Irish poet, essayist, novelist. 1667–1745. ~ Actaeon; Aeneas, and Dido; Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List, Loves; Athena, General List; Atlas; Baucis and Philemon; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hades [i]; Hades [2]; Hymen; Ixion; Janus; Jason, and the Argonauts; Midas, General List; Nymphs, General List; Orpheus, General List; Poseidon, General List; Prometheus, General List; Proteus; Selene; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Trojan War, Wooden Horse; Zeus, General List.

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. English poet. 1837–1909. ~ Aeolus; Antigone; Aphrodite, Birth, Tannhäuser; Athamas and Ino; Byblis and Caunus; Clytie; Daphne; Eros, General List; Hermaphroditus; Hyperion; Janus; Meleager, General List, Boar Hunt; Narcissus; Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Pasiphaë; Penthéus; Persephone, General List, Demeter’s Search; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Philomela and Procne; Seven against Thebes; Tiresias; Tityus; Triptolemus.

Swiney, Owen. Irish dramatist, fl. 1706–30. ~ Aeneas, in Latium (see Nicola Haym, 1706).

Swinnerton, Annie Louisa. English painter. 1844–1933. ~ Nymphs, Dryads.

Symonds, John Addington. English poet. 1840–1893. ~ Achilles, Afterlife; Hesperus; Hymen; Prometheus, Freed.

Symons, Arthur. English poet. 1865–1945. ~ Achilles, Afterlife; Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Chimaera; Circe; Helen of Troy; Lamia.

Szeligowsld, Tadeusz. Polish composer. 1896–1963. ~ Odysseus, General List.

Szigligeti, Ede [Jozse Szatmary]. Hungarian dramatist. 1814–1879. ~ Dioscuri.

Szymanowski, Karol. Polish composer. 1882–1937. ~ Alpheus and Arethusa; Demeter; Narcissus; Nymphs, Dryads; Odysseus, Sirens, Calypso, Nausicaä; Pan, General List; Penthesilea; Pentheus.