a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
Rabaud, Henri. French composer. 1873–1949. ~ Daphne.
Racine, Jean. French dramatist. 1639–1699. ~ Alcestis; Andromache; Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Seven against Thebes; Theagenes and Chariclea.
Rackham, Arthur. English painter. 1867–1939. ~ Eros, General List.
Raczynski, Boleslaw. Polish composer. 19th/20th century. ~ Gods and Goddesses, General List (see Stanislaw Wyspiánski, 1904).
Radauskas, Henrikas. Lithuanian poet. 1910–1970. Aphrodite, Birth; Apollo, General List; Muses, General List, Poetry and Music, Drama; Odysseus, Lotus-eaters; Orpheus, Death.
Radcliffe, Philip. English composer. 1905–. ~ Medea; Orestes.
Radet, Jean-Baptiste. French dramatist. 1752–1830. ~ Widow of Ephesus.
Radicati, Felice Alessandro. Italian composer. 1775–1820. ~ Dioscuri; Phaedra and Hippolytus.
Rae, Henrietta (Henrietta Normand). English painter. 1859–1928. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Bacchanalia; Callisto; Cephalus and Procris; Daphne; Flora, and Zephyr; Jason, Hylas; Narcissus; Nymphs, Naiads; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pandora; Psyche; Sirens. Ragué, Louis-Charles. French composer. Before 1760– after 1793. ~ Memnon; Parnassus (see Eugène Hus, 1793). Raguenet, François. French dramatist, c. 1660–1722. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene.
Rahl, Carl. Austrian painter. 1812–1865. ~ Arion; Dionysus, General List; Fates; Odysseus, Nausicaä; Orestes.
Raichev, Alexander. Bulgarian composer. 1922–. ~ Prometheus, General List. -Raimondi, Ignazio. Italian composer, c.1735–1813. Andromache; Seven against Thebes; Telema-chus.
Raimondi, Marcantonio. Italian engraver, r. 1480–1527/ 34-
Adonis (see Râphael, 1511–12); Aeneas, Shipwreck, Storm, and Dido; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Athena, General List; Dionysus, General
List (see Giovanni Francesco Penni, r.1517–20), Infancy; Eos, General List; Eros, General List; Gods and Goddesses, Vice and Virtue; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List, and Antaeus, and Deianeira; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion; Hyacinth; Leda; Mar-syas; Nymphs, General List, Nereids; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Paris, and Helen, Judgment; Parnassus; Pyramus and Thisbe; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Sile-nus; Syrinx (see Raphael, 1516); Triton; Zeus, General List, Loves (see Michiel Coxie the Elder, 1592). Raine, Kathleen. English poet. 1908–. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Eros, General List; Fates; Hyacinth; Medea; Nymphs, Dryads; Orestes; Pen-theus; Persephone, General List; Psyche.
Raitio, Vâinô. Finnish composer. 1891–1945. ~ Antigone.
Ralegh (Raleigh), Walter. English poet. 1552?–1618. Aeneas, in the Underworld; Ages of the World; Artemis; Cronus, General List; Eros, General List; Selene (see John Lyly, 1593); Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Tantalus; Theseus, General List.
Ralov, Borge. Danish choreographer. 1908–. ~ Satyrs, and Nymphs.
Rambach, Friedrich Eberhard. German dramatist. 1767–1826. ~ Ariadne.
Ramberg, Johann Heinrich. German painter, engraver. 1763–1840. ~ Comus; Europa; Muses, General List; Trojan War, General List.
Rambert, Marie. Polish choreographer. 1888–1982. ~ Ares and Aphrodite; Atalanta (see Antony Tudor, 1933); Eros, General List (see Frederick Ashton, 1928); Leda (see Ashton, 1928); Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Ashton, 1928).
Rameau, Jean-Philippe. French composer. 1683–1764. Actaeon (see Joseph Bodin de Boismortier, 1755); Adonis; Artemis; Boreas; Cyclopes; Dioscuri; Eros, General List; Furies; Hebe; Hera; Hermes, General List; Hymen; Io; Medea; Momus; Muses, Poetry and Music, Dance (see Doris Humphrey, 1930); Orpheus, and Eurydice; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Pirithous, General List; Pygmalion; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Thetis, General List; Titans and Giants; Zephyr; Zeus, General List.
Ramier, Karl Wilhelm. German poet. 1725–1798. Athamas and Ino; Cephalus and Procris (see Johann Friedrich Reichardt, 1766, and Georg Anton Benda, 1789); Pygmalion (see Christian Gottfried Krause, 1768). Ramm, Valentina Iosifovna. Soviet composer. 1888– 1968. ~ Pbnthesilea.
Rampini, Giacomo. Italian composer. 1680–1760. ~ Heracles, Labors of. Girdle of Hippolyta.
Ramsey, Robert. English composer, poet. FI. c. 1612–44. Amphion (see Robert Herrick, 1648); Hades [2] (see Anonymous English, 1644); Hephaestus; Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Herrick, c. 1612–44); Paris, and Oenone.
Randolph, Thomas. English dramatist. 1605–1635. ~ Muses, General List; Plutus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.
Rankabes (Rangavis), Alexandras Rizos. Greek poet. 1809/10–1892. ~ Dionysus, and the Pirates.
Rannit, Aleksis. Estonian poet. 1914–. ~ Odysseus, Return.
Ransom, John Crowe. American poet. 1888–1974. ~ Philomela and Procne; Prometheus, Bound.
Raon, Jean. French sculptor. 1630–1707. ~ Apollo, General List, and Python; Arion (see François Girardon, 1695); Dionysus, General List; Nymphs, Naiads (see Étienne Le Hongre, 1680s).
Raoux, Jean. French painter. 1677–1734. ~ Cephalus and Procris; Pygmalion; Telemachus. Raphael [Raffaello Sanzio]. Italian painter. 1483–1520. Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Andromache; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List; Ares; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Dionysus, General List, and Ariadne (see Garofalo, 1559); Erichthonius; Eros, General List; Galatea; Ganymede; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Graces; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, General List, Choice, and Antaeus; Heracles, Labors of, General List, Nemean Lion; Marsyas; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List; Parnassus; Phaethon; Psyche; Silenus; Syrinx; Trojan War, Fall of Troy; Vertumnus; Zeus, General List; see also listings for Marcantonio Raimondi: Aeneas, Storm (e.1518, also Luca Cambiaso, 1567), and Dido (c.1510); Dionysus, Infancy (c.1515–16); Eos, General List (1527/34), Gods and Goddesses, Vice and Virtue (c.1517-20); Leda (1527/34); Paris, Judgment (1527-34, also Jacques Stella, 1650), and Helen (1527/34); Satyrs and Fauns, General List (c.1509); see also listings for Baldassare Peruzzi: Arion (1511–12); Cephalus and Procris (1511–12); Daphne (1511–12); Deucalion and Pyrrha (1511–12); Endymion (1511–12); Eos, and Ti-thonus (1511–12); see also listings for Leonardo da Vinci, c.1510–15?: Dioscuri; Leda; Helen of Troy.
Rapisardi, Mario. Italian satirist. 1844–1912. ~ Atlantis; Prometheus, Creator.
Rascovich, Roberto. Engraver. 1859–1905. ~ Persephone, Demeter’s Search.
Rasschenau, Marianna. German composer. 17th/18th century. ~ Athena, General List.
Rasse, François. French composer. 1873–1955. ~ Achilles, at Scyros.
Rathaus, Karol. American-Polish composer. 1895–1954. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.
Radsbonne, Louis Gustave. French poet. 1827–1900. ~ Hero and Leander.
Ratti, Carlo Giuseppe. Italian painter. 1737–1795. ~ Heracles, Labors of, Apples of the Hesperides.
Rauch, Chrisdan Daniel. German sculptor. 1777–1857. ~ Jason, Golden Fleece.
Rauchmüller, Matthias. Austrian sculptor. 1645–1686. Daphne.
Raupach, Hermann Friedrich. German composer. 1728–1778. ~ Alcestis.
Rauschenberg, Robert. American painter. 1925-. Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, as Sun God; Furies; Ganymede; Hades [2]; Harpies; Heracles, and Antaeus, Labors of, Cattle of Geryon; Minos; Minotaur; Odysseus, General List; Phoenix.
Rauscher, Friedrich. German painter. 1754–1808. ~ Bacchanalia.
Rautavaara, Einojuhani. Finnish composer. 1928–. ~ Aphrodite, Birth; Marsyas; Orpheus, General List.
Rauzzini, Venanzio. Italian composer. 1746–1810. ~ Creusa; Pyramus and Thisbe.
Ravel, Maurice. French composer. 1875–1937. ~ Alcyone and Ceyx; Daphnis and Chloe; Myrrha; Narcissus (see Nina Verchinina, 1950); Pygmalion (see Herbert Bliss, 1949); Syrinx (see Michel Fokine, 1912).
Ravesteyn, Dirck de Quade van. Dutch painter, fl. c.1589–1608, d. after 1619. ~ Adonis.
Ray, Man. See Man Ray.
Raymond, Hippolyte. French librettist. 1844–1895. ~ Bacchanalia (see Hervé, 1892).
Rayol, Joseph. French sculptor. 1655–1718. ~ Athamas and Ino.
Rayssiguier, N. de. French dramatist. ?–1660. ~ Jason, Hylas.
Read, Harriet Fanning. American poet. fl. 1847-60. ~ Medea.
Read, Herbert. English poet. 1893–1968. ~ Achilles, Afterlife; Daphne; Medea; Phoenix.
Read, Thomas B. English poet. 1822–1872. ~ Endymion.
Rebel, François (the Younger). French composer. 1701–1775. ~ Baucis and Philemon; Psyche; Pyramus and Thisbe (see François Francoeur, 1726).
Rebel, Jean Féry. French composer. 1666–1747. ~ Muses, Dance; Odysseus, Circe.
Rebikov, Vladimir Ivanovich. Russian composer. 1866–1920. ~ Narcissus.
Reboul, Jean. French dramatist. 1796–1864. ~ Antigone.
Reboux, Paul. French poet. 1877–1963. ~ Prometheus, Freed (see Reynaldo Hahn, 1908-09).
Rede, William Leman. English dramatist. 1802–1847. Dionysus, Infancy; Eros, General List; Hera; Hero and Leander; Zeus, General List.
Redgrave, Peter. English poet. 1932–. ~ Asclepius and Hygieia.
Redi, Francesco. Italian poet. 1626–1698. ~ Ariadne; Dionysus, General List, and Ariadne.
Redi, Gregorio. Italian dramatist. 1676–1748. ~ Andromache.
Redlich, Don. American choreographer. 1933–. ~ Orestes.
Redon, Odilon. French painter, lithographer. 1840–1916 ~ Aphrodite, Birth; Apollo, as Sun God; Bellerophon; Centaurs; Chimaera; Cybele; Cyclopes; Eos, General List; Fates; Graces; Helen of Troy; Muses,General List; Nymphs, Nereids; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Orpheus, Death, and Eurydice, General List; Pandora; Pegasus; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaethon; Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Reece, Robert (pseudonym, E. G. Lankester). English dramatist. 1838–1891. ~ Agamemnon; Cassandra; Nymphs, Nereids; Prometheus, General List.
Reed, Henry. English poet. 1914–1986. ~ Antigone; Orestes; Philoctetes.
Reed, Joseph. English dramatist. 1723–1787. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.
Reeve, William. English composer. 1757–1815. ~ Heracles, and Omphale; Hero and Leander.
Reger, Max. German composer. 1873–1916. Bacchanalia; Prometheus, Creator (see Hugo Wolf, 1889).
Regidor, Maximo. Spanish novelist. 20th century. ~ Pan, General List.
Regnard, Jean-François. French dramatist. 1655–1709. ~ Ares and Aphrodite.
Regnaud, F. G. French choreographer. 18th century. ~ Aeneas, in Latium.
Regnaudin, Thomas. French sculptor. 1622–1706. Apollo, as Sun God (see François Girardon, 1666–75); Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons (see Charles Le Brun, 1649).
Régnault, Henri. French painter. 1843–1871. ~ Achilles, Return to Battle; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Patroclus; Phaethon.
Régnault, Jean-Baptiste. French painter. 1754–1829. Achilles, Infancy; Adonis; Ares and Aphrodite; Boreas; Callisto; Eros, General List; Graces; Hephaestus; Hymen; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Perseus, and Andromeda; Pygmalion.
Régnier, Henri de. French poet. 1864–1936. ~ Alpheus and Arethusa; Arcadia; Athamas and Ino; Cyclopes; Daphne; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Helen of Troy; Heracles, and Deianeira, and Omphale; Leda; Leto; Marsyas; Narcissus; Nymphs, Naiads; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Pegasus; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Sirens; Trojan War, Wooden Horse.
Rehberg, Friedrich. German painter. 1758–1835. ~ Bacchanalia; Narcissus; Orpheus, and Eurydice. Rehfisch, Hans José. Swiss dramatist. 1891–1960. ~ Ajax; Deucalion and Pyrrha; Lysistrata.
Rehn, Jens. German novelist. 1918–. ~ Cronus, Birth of Olympians.
Reicha, Antoine. Czech-French composer. 1770–1836. ~ Circe; Philoctetes.
Reichardt, Bernadine Juliane (née Benda). German composer. 1752–1783. ~ Daphne.
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich. German composer. 1752– 1814. ~ Ariadne; Athamas and Ino; Cephalus and Procris; Fates (see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1779); Heracles, Death; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Muses, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Perseus, and Andromeda; Prometheus, Creator; Protesilaus and Laodamia (see Johann Gottlieb Naumann, 1789); Psyche (see Goethe, 1792).
Reichel, Eugen. German dramatist. 1853–1916. ~ Antigone.
Reid, Alastair. Scottish poet. 1926–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus; Minotaur (see Jorge Luis Borges, 1961); Odysseus, Return.
Reid, Christopher. English poet. 1949–. ~ Arcadia.
Reid, Colin Way. American poet. 1952–1983. Agamemnon; Arachne; Daphne; Eros, General List; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Narcissus; Pentheus; Phaethon; Psyche; Pygmalion.
Reina, Francesco. Italian poet. 1766–1825. ~ Flora, and Zephyr.
Reina, Sisto. Italian composer. ?–after 1664. ~ Marsyas.
Reinach, Théodore. French poet. 1860–1928. ~ Hermes, Infancy (see Albert Roussel, 1925).
Reinacher, Eduard. German dramatist, b. 1892. ~ Seven against Thebes.
Reinagle, Philip. English painter. 1749–1833. ~ Eros, General List.
Reisiger, Hans. German poet. b. 1884. ~ Phaethon.
Reisinger, Julius Wenzel. Austrian choreographer, c. 1827–1892. ~ Ariadne.
Reissiger, Karl Gottlieb. German composer. 1798–1859. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.
Rejôn de Silva y Lucas, Diego Antonio. Spanish poet. 1740–1796. ~ Cephalus and Procris.
Rembrandt van Rijn. Dutch painter. 1606–1669. Achilles, Wrath; Actaeon; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, General List, and Satyrs; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Athena, General List; Baucis and Philemon; Callisto; Danaë; Daphne; Dido; Erichthonius; Eros, General List; Europa; Flora, General List; Ganymede; Hera; Io; Medea; Niobe; Persephone, General List, Demeter’s Search; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phoenix; Pirithous, Wedding; Pyramus and Thisbe; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Theagenes and Chariclea; Vertumnus.
Rémy, Pierre-Jean [J. P. Angremy]. French dramatist. 1937–. ~ Pandora.
Rémy, W. A. [Wilhelm Mayer]. Austrian composer. 1831–1898. ~ Helen of Troy.
Renault, Mary [Mary Challans]. English novelist. 1905–1983. ~ Ariadne; Theseus, General List, and the Amazons, at Athens.
Rendra, W. S. Indonesian dramatist. 1935–. ~ Oedipus, General List, at Colonus.
Renesse, Constantijn van. Dutch painter. 1626–1680. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Reni, Guido. Italian painter. 1575–1642. ~ Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy, and Dido; Aphrodite. General List; Apollo, as Sun God; Ariadne (see Giacinto Gimignani, 1650-60); Atalanta; Callisto; Cassandra; Cephalus and Procris; Daphne; Dionysus, Infancy, and Ariadne; Eos, General List; Erigone; Eros, General List, Punishment, and Anteros, Triumphant; Europa; Fates; Helen of Troy; Heracles, General List, Infant Heracles (see Giovanni Andrea Sirani, 1670), and Deianeira, Death; Heracles, Labors of, Lernean Hydra; Leto; Marsyas; Midas, Judgment; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Paris, Judgment, and Helen; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaethon; Pomona; Poseidon, General List; Psyche; Pyramus and Thisbe (see French School, 1642); Titans and Giants.
Renier (Regnier), Nicolas. French composer. ?-ca.1731. Ares and Aphrodite; Eros, General List; Paris, Judgment; Penelope; Semele; Theseus, General List.
Renieri, Nicolo. Italian painter. 1590–1667. ~ Hero and Leander.
Renner, Gustav. German dramatist. 1866–1945. ~ Alcestis.
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste. French painter, engraver. 1841– 1919-
Aphrodite, General List, Tannhäuser; Apollo, General List; Artemis; Nymphs, Naiads; Oedipus, General List; Paris, Judgment.
Renou, Antoine. French dramatist. 1731–1806. ~ Dioscuri; Philoctetes (see Étienne Méhul, 1788); Philomela and Procne.
Resino de Ron, Carmen. Spanish dramatist. 20th century. ~ Penelope.
Respighi, Elsa (née Olivieri Sangiacomo). Italian composer. b. 1894. ~ Alcestis.
Restout, Jean (the Younger). French painter. 1692–1768. ~ Aeneas, Storm, and Dido, in Latium, Apotheosis; Al-pheus and Arethusa; Athena, Contest with Poseidon; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Endymion; Hector, General List; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Psyche; Pygmalion.
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme. French dramatist. 1734–1806. ~ Paris, Judgment.
Rettenpacher (Rettenbacher), Simon. Austrian dramatist. 1634–1706. ~ Attis; Odysseus, General List; Perseus, General List. Reutter, Georg von, the Younger. Austrian composer. 1708–1772. ~ Daphne; Heracles, Apotheosis; Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris (see Antonio Caldara, 1728); Orestes (see Caldara, 1728).
Reutter, Hermann. German composer. 1900–. ~ Fates (see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1779); Iphigenia, at Aulis; Odysseus, General List; Pandora; Widow of Ephesus.
Reventôs, Ramôn. Spanish author. 1881–1924. ~ Centaurs; Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Reviczky, Gyula. Hungarian poet. 1855–1889. ~
Pan, General List.
Rexroth, Kenneth. American poet. 1905–1982. ~ Adonis; Alcestis (see Nicholas Moore, 1949); Apollo, Loves (see Keith Douglas, 1944) ; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Leda; Orpheus, General List (see James Findlay Hendry, 1949); Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Phoenix.
Rey, Jean-Baptiste the Elder. French composer. 1734–
1810. ~ Apollo, Loves (see Louis-Charles-Joseph Rey, 1781). Rey, Juan Rios. Peruvian dramatist. 1914–. ~ Medea; Prometheus, General List.
Rey, Louis-Charles-Joseph. French composer. 1738–
1811. ~ Apollo, Loves.
Reyer, Ernest [Louis Étienne Rey]. French composer. 1823–1909. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Psyche.
Reyes, Alfonso. Spanish poet. 1889–1959. ~ Atlantis; Iphigenia, at Tauris.
Reynbouts, Martin. Flemish tapestry maker. 16th/17th century. ~ Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Vertumnus. Reynolds, Henry. English poet. fl. 1620s–30s. Narcissus.
Reynolds, John Hamilton. English poet. 1796–1852. ~ Nymphs, Naiads.
Reynolds, Joshua. English painter. 1723–1792. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Aphrodite, General List; Arcadia; Bacchanalia; Circe; Danaê; Dionysus, Infancy; Eros, General List, Punishment; Graces; Hebe; Hera; Heracles, Infant Heracles; Hermes, General List; Hymen; Muses, Drama; Nymphs, General List, Dryads; Psyche; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Zeus, Infancy. Rezniéek, Emil Nikolaus von. Austrian composer. 1860–1945. ~ Psyche.
Rezzori, Gregor von. German novelist. 1914–. ~ Oedipus, General List.
Rhallys, Pierre. French librettist. 20th century. ~ Orestes (see Janine Charrat, 1960); Prometheus, General List (see Maurice Béjart, 1956), Creator (see Maurice Béjart, 1956).
Rheineck, Christoph. German composer. 1748–1797. ~ Pygmalion.
Riadis, Emilios. Greek composer. 1886–1935. ~ Galatea; Polydorus; Polyxena.
Ribera, Anastasio Pantaleôn de. Spanish poet. 1600–1629. ~ Europa.
Ribera, Jusepe de. Spanish painter, engraver, e.1590/91– 1652. ~ Achilles, at Scyros; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, and Satyrs; Centaurs; Dionysus, General List; Eros, Triumphant; Hecate; Heracles, General List, and Deianeira (see Luca Giordano, 1650s); Ixion; Lao-coön; Marsyas; Muses, History; Prometheus, Bound; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Silenus; Sisyphus; Tantalus; Tityus; Triton.
Ricci, Costanzo. Italian dramatist. 1609–1670. ~ Paris, Judgment.
Ricci, Luigi. Italian composer. 1805–1859. ~ Odysseus, Return.
Ricci, Marco. Italian painter. 1676–1729. ~ Parnassus; see also listings for Sebastiano Ricci: Ac-TAEON (1703); Adonis (c.1707-08); Callisto (e.1707-08); Europa (ca.1707-08); Syrinx (1698).
Ricci, Sebastiano. Italian painter. 1659–1734. ~ Achilles, Infancy, Wrath; Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Ages of the World; Alcestis; Amphitrite; Aphrodite, General List, Birth, and Satyrs; Apollo, General List; Artemis; Asclepius and Hygiela; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Callisto; Centaurs; Cronus, General- List; Daphne; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Endymion; Eros, General List, Punishment; Europa; Flora, General List, and Zephyr; Galatea; Gods and Goddesses, General List, as Seasons; Hades [i]; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List, Infant Heracles, Choice, and Antaeus, and Cacus, and Deianeira, and Omphale, Apotheosis; Heracles, Labors of. General List, Nemean Lion; Hermes, General List; Herse and Aglaurus; Hestia; Io; Iphigenia, at Aulis (see Giovanni Battista Crosato, c.1733?); Jason, Phineus and Harpies; Marsyas; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Midas, Judgment; Pan, General List; Paris, and Helen; Persephone, General List; Phaethon; Pirithous, Wedding; Polyxena; Pygmalion; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Silbnus; Syrinx; Zeus, General List.
Ricciarelli, Daniele. See Daniele da Volterra.
Riccio, Andrea, [Andrea Briosco, called 11 Riccio]. Italian sculptor, c. 1470–1532. ~ Apollo, General List; Arion; Asclepius and Hygiela; Athena, General List; Atlas; Eros, Punishment; Europa (see Bartolommeo Bellano, 1496–97); Hades [2]; Nymphs, Nereids; Orpheus, General List; Pan, General List; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Triton; Zeus, Infancy.
Riccio, Benedetto. Italian composer, r.1678–after 1710. Actaeon.
Ricciuti, L. Italian librettist. 19th century. ~ Danaïds (see Saverio Mercadante, 1824-25).
Riccoboni, Luigi. Italian dramatist. 1676–1753. ~ Endymion; Paris, Judgment.
Rice, Cale Young. American poet. 1872–1943. ~ Adonis; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Hades
Rich, Adrienne. American poet. 1929–. ~ Ariadne; Odysseus, Return; Orion; Orpheus, Death. Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong). English poet. 1893–1979. ~ Arcadia; Tantalus.
Richardson, Jack. American dramatist. 1935–. ~ Orestes.
Richardson, Larry. American choreographer. 1941–. ~ Hades [2].
Richer, Paul. French sculptor. 1849–1933. ~ Graces.
Richmond, George. English painter. 1809–1896. ~ Comus.
Richmond, William Blake. English painter. 1842–1921. Aphrodite, General List, and Anchises; Ariadne; Bacchanalia; Hephaestus; Hermes, General List;
Icarus and Daedalus; Odysseus, Death; Orestes; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Patroclus; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaethon; Prometheus, Bound, Freed; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.
Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich. See Jean Paul.
Ricketts, Charles. English painter. 1866–1931. ~ Arcadia; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Daphnis and Chloe; Eros, General List, Punishment; LaocoOn; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Phaedra and Hippolytus (see T. Sturge Moore, 1901); Trojan War, General List (see Humbert Wolfe, 1928). Riding (Jackson), Laura. American poet, novelist. 1901–1985. ~ Fates; Helen of Troy; Trojan War, General List; Zeus, Infancy.
Ridler, Anne (née Bradby). English poet, dramatist. 1912–. ~ Alpheus and Arethusa; Orion; Odysseus, Return; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Phoenix.
Ridley, Gloster. English poet. 1702–1774. ~ Psyche.
Ridolii, Giulio Antonio. Italian dramatist. 17th century. Adonis.
Ridout, Alan. English composer. 1934–. ~ Phaethon.
Rieck, Karl Friedrich. German composer. 1–1704. ~ Thetis, and Peleus.
Riedinger, J. Austrian librettist. 18th/19th century. Dionysus, and Ariadne (see Maria Theresia von Paradis, 1791).
Riegger, Wallingford. American composer. 1885–1961. Aphrodite, Worship (see Doris Humphrey, 1936); Bacchanalia (see Martha Graham, 1931); Trojan War, General List.
Riemerschmid, Werner. Austrian dramatist. 1895–1967. Gods and Goddesses, General List; Narcissus; Sisyphus.
Riepenhausen, Johannes. German painter, engraver. 1788/89–1860. ~ Adonis; Eros, General List.
Ries, Ferdinand. German composer. 1784–1838. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.
Riesener, Léon. French painter. 1808–1878. ~ Erigone; Leda.
Rieti, Vittorio. Italian-American composer, b. 1898. Dionysus, and Ariadne; Odysseus, General List; Orpheus, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus; see also listings for George Balanchine, 1948: Midas, General List; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Silenus.
Rietz, Julius. German composer. 1812–1877. ~ Eros, General List.
Rigaud, Stephen Francis. English painter. 1777–1861. ~ Telemachus.
Rigel, Henri-Jean. French composer. 1772–1852. ~ Apollo, General List.
Righini, Vincenzo. Italian composer. 1756–1812. ~ Aeneas, in Latium; Athena, General List; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Heracles, Choice; Leto; Meleager, Boar Hunt.
Righton, Mary. English composer. 19th century. ~ Psyche.
Riisager, Knudage. Danish composer. 1897–1974. ~ Phoenix (see Harald Lander, 1946).
Rijckaert, Marten. Flemish painter. 1587–1631. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Rijn, Rembrandt van. See Rembrandt.
Rilke, Rainer Maria. German poet. 1875–1926. ~ Alcestis; Aphrodite, Birth; Apollo, General List, and the Cumaean Sibyl; Artemis; Chimaera; Chiron; Daphne; Endymion; Eros, General List; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Leda; Narcissus; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice, Death; ‘ Pegasus; Sirens.
Rillé, Laurent de. French composer. 19th century. ~ Achilles, at Scyros.
Rimbaud, Arthur. French poet. 1854–1891. ~ Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Ariadne; Artemis; Bacchanalia; Cybele; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Gods and Goddesses, General List, Loves; Heracles, and Deianeira; Pan, General List; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Zeus, Loves. Riminaldi, Orazio. Italian painter. 1586–1630/31. ~ Eros, Triumphant; Icarus and Daedalus.
Rimmer, William. American painter, sculptor. 1816–1879. ~ Achilles, Wrath; Amazons; Aphrodite, General List; Centaurs; Prometheus, General List. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay. Russian composer. 1844–1908. ~ Nymphs, General List; Odysseus, General List; Pan, General List.
Rinaldi, Rinaldo. Italian sculptor. 1793–1873. ~ Achilles, Infancy.
Rinaldo di Capua. Italian composer, c. 1705–c.1780. ~ Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Danaïds.
Rinehart, William Henry. American sculptor. 1825–
1874. ~ Antigone; Atalanta; Clytie; Endymion; Hero and Leander; Leto; Thetis, General List.
Ringgli, Gotthard. Swiss painter, engraver. 1575–1635. ~ Ares and Aphrodite.
Rinuccini, Ottavio. Italian poet. 1562–1621. ~ Ariadne; Daphne (see Jacopo Peri, 1597); Nymphs, General List (see Claudio Monteverdi, 1622); Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Peri, 1600); Zephyr (see Monteverdi,
.Rispoli, Salvatore. Italian composer, c.1736/45–1812. Danaïds.
Rist, Johann von. German poet. 1607–1667. ~ Galatea; Perseus, General List.
Riston, Giovanni Alberto. Italian composer. 1692–1753. Aeneas, and Dido, in Latium; Arcadia; Ariadne; Artemis; Athena, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pygmalion.
Ritsos, Yannis (Giannes Ritsou). Greek poet. 1909–1990. ~ Achilles, Infancy; Actaeon; Agamemnon; Ajax; Amphitryon and Alcmene; Antigone; Apollo, General List, Loves; Ares; Artemis; Cassandra; Fates; Helen of Troy; Iphigenia, at Delphi; Jason, and the Argonauts; Narcissus; Niobe; Odysseus, Nausi-caà, Return; Orestes; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Per;
sephone, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Philoctetes; Philomela and PRocne; Zeus, General List.
Riupeirous, Théodore de. French dramatist. 1664–1706. Danaïds.
Rivalz, Antoine. French painter. 1667–1735. ~ Actaeon; Ajax; Cassandra; Europa; Titans and Giants.
Rivers, George. English author. 17th century. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.
Riviere, Briton. English painter. 1840–1920. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Apollo, General List, as Sun God, as Shepherd; Bacchanalia; Hector, Death; Odysseus, Circe; Prometheus, Bound; Selene.
Rizi, Francisco. Spanish painter. 1608–1685. ~ Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Pandora.
Rizzi, Urbano. Italian librettist. 17th/18th century. ~ Achilles, Wrath (see Antonio Lotti, 1707). Robbe-Grillet, Alain. French novelist. 1922–. ~ Ariadne; Oedipus, General List.
Robelin, Jean. French dramatist. 16th century. ~ Seven against Thebes.
Roberti, Ercole de’. Italian painter, c. 1448/55–1496. ~ Atalanta; Psyche.
Roberts, Cecil. American dramatist. 1892–1976. ~ Andromache; Helen of Troy; Jason, Hylas. Roberts, Charles G(eorge) D(ouglas). Canadian poet. 1860–1943. ~ Actaeon; Ariadne; Memnon; Odysseus, Return; Orion; Pan, General List.
Roberts, Michael. English poet. 1902–1948. ~ Diomedes; Dionysus, General List.
Roberts, Randal. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Apollo, General List.
Roberts, Tom. Australian painter. 1856–1931. ~ Jason, Golden Fleece.
Roberts, William. English painter. 1895–1980. ~ Odysseus, Return.
Robertson, Louis Alexander. American poet. 1856–1910. ~ Odysseus, Calypso.
Robinson, Edwin Arlington. American poet. 1869–1935. Alcestis; Apollo, General List; Cassandra; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List; Hades [2]; Mo-mus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Sirens. Robinson, Richard. English poet. 16th century. Tantalus.
Rocca, Michele (called Parmigianino the Younger). Italian painter, c.1670/75–1751 or later.
Adonis; Aphrodite, General List, Venus Frigida; Eros, General List.
Roccaforte, Gaetano. Italian dramatist. 18th century. ~ Antigone (see Baldassare Galuppi, 1751).
Roccatagliata, Niccolô. Italian sculptor, fl. 1593–1636. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Athena, General List. Rochberg, George. American composer. 1918–. ~ Phaedra and Hippolytus.
Roche, Denis. French poet. 1937–. ~ Eros, General List.
Rochefort (Roquefort), Guillaume Dubois de. French dramatist. 1731–1788. ~ Orestes.
Rochefort, Jean Baptiste. French composer. 1746–1819. Ariadne; Endymion; Europa; Heracles, and Om-phale, Death; Narcissus; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pyramus and Thisbe.
Rochegrosse, Georges. French painter. 1859–1938. Andromache; Oedipus, at Colonus; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.
Rochussen, Charles. Dutch painter. 1814–1894. ~ Amazons; Flora, General List; Pomona.
Rockstro (Rackstraw), William. English composer. 1823–1895. ~ Artemis.
Rode, Bernhard. German painter. 1725–1797. Aphrodite, General List; Bacchanalia; Gods and Goddesses, as Elements; Hebe.
Rode, Helge. Danish poet. 1870–1937. ~ Lamia.
Rodgers, Richard. American composer. 1902–1979. Heracles, Labors of, Girdle of Hippolyta; Theseus, and the Amazons.
Rodgers, W. R. Irish poet. 1909–1969. ~ Daphne; Europa; Icarus and Daedalus; Syrinx. Rodin, Auguste. French sculptor. 1840–1917. ~ Achilles, Infancy; Adonis; Ages of the World; Alcestis; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, as Sun God, and Python; Ariadne; Asclepius and Hygieia; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Chiron; Cybele; Danaïds; Daphnis and Chloe; Demeter; Dionysus, General List; Eos, General List, and Tithonus; Eros, General List; Europa; Fates; Flora, General List; Galatea; Hermes, General List; Icarus and Daedalus; Iris; Marsyas; Medea; Minotaur; Muses, General List, Poetry and Music, Drama; Narcissus; Niobe; Nymphs, General List, Nereids;. Orpheus, and Eurydice, Death; Pan, General List; Pandora; Perseus, and Andromeda, and Medusa; Pirithous, Wedding; Prometheus, Bound; Psyche; Pygmalion; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Sirens; Titans and Giants; Triton. Rodman, Selden. American poet. 1909–. ~ Daphne.
Rodolphe, Jean-Joseph. French composer. 1730–1812. ~ See listings for Jean-Georges Noverre: Alcestis (1761); Danaïds (1764); Heracles, Death (1762); Medea (1763); Psyche (1762) ; see listings for Étienne Lauchery : Daphne (c.1764); Eos, and Tithonus (1767).
Rodriquez de Arellano, Vicente. Spanish dramatist. ?– c.1806. ~ Aeneas, and Dido.
Rodriguez de Hita, Antonio. Spanish composer. c. 1724–1787. ~ Achilles, Wrath.
Roeder, Emy. German sculptor, b. 1890. ~ Lysistrata.
Roelants, Maurice. Belgian poet. 1895–1966. ~ Pygmalion.
Roesch, Kurt. American painter. 1905–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus; Orpheus, and Eurydice. Roethke, Theodore. American poet. 1908–1963. Centaurs.
Rofe, Esther. Australian composer. 1904–. ~ Nymphs, Naiads.
Rogatis, Pascual de. Italian-Argentine composer. 1881– 1980. ~ Amphion; Antiope, and Dirce.
Roger-Ducasse, Jean-Jules. French composer. 1873– 1954-
Alcyone and Ceyx; Odysseus, Sirens; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Rogers, Bernard. American composer. 1893–1968. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene.
Rogers, Randolph. American sculptor. 1825–1892. ~ Eros, General List; Pleiades; Psyche.
Rogers, Robert Cameron. American poet. 1862–1912. ~ Odysseus, Polyphemus.
Rogers, Samuel. English poet. 1763–1855. ~ Graces; Heracles, General List.
Rohlfs, Christian. German painter. 1849–1938. ~ Adonis; Amazons; Aphrodite, General List; Endymion; Leda; Phoenix; Prometheus, General List; Satyrs, and Nymphs.
Roillet (Rouillet), Claude. French dramatist, c.1520-after 1578. ~ Artemis; Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de. Spanish poet. 1607–1648. Heracles, General List; Medea; Paris, and Helen; Philomela and Procne.
Roland Holst, Adriaan. Dutch poet. 1888–1976. ~ Helen of Troy.
Rolin, Dominique. Belgian novelist. 1913–. ~ Artemis.
Roll, Alfred Philippe. French painter. 1846–1919. Silenus.
Rolla, Alessandro. Italian composer. 1757–1841. ~ Achilles, at Scyros (see Pietro Angiolini, 1806).
Rolli, Paolo Antonio. Italian poet. 1687–1765. ~ Achilles, at Scyros (see George Frideric Handel, 1741); Aeneas, in Latium (see Nicola Porpora, 1734); Alcestis (see Giovanni Battista Lampugnani, 1744); Aphrodite, Worship (see Giovanni Bononcini, 1714); Ariadne (see Porpora, 1714); Comus; Cyclopes (see Porpora, 1735); Dionysus, and Ariadne (see Porpora, 1733); Galatea (see Porpora, 1735); Hymen (see Porpora, 1723); Iphi-genia, at Aulis; Narcissus (see Domenico Scarlatti, 1714); Odysseus, Polyphemus (see Porpora, 1735); Penelope (see Baldassare Galuppi, 1741).
Rollins, Scott. American poet. 1952–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus (see Hans Tentije, 1975).
Rolt, Richard. English dramatist, fl. 1760s.
Amphitryon and Alcmene (see Michael Arne, 1764); Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Giusto Ferdi-nando Tenducci, 1765).
Romagnesi, Jean Antoine. Italian-French dramatist. 1690–1742. ~ Pygmalion; See listings for Pierre François Biancolelli: Alcestis (1728); Bellerophon (1738); Danaïds (1734); Laomedon (1734); Phaethon (1738); Thetis, and Pe-leus (1734).
Romagnoli, Ettore. Italian poet. 1871–1938. ~ Alpheus and Arethusa; Dionysus, General List; Helen of Troy; Odysseus, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Giuseppe Mulé, 1928); Sisyphus; Zeus, General List (see Alberto Franchetti, 1921). Romains, Jules. French novelist. 1885–1972. ~ Psyche.
Romako, Anton. Austrian painter. 1832–1889. Endymion.
Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco. Italian painter. 1610– 1662. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, General List (see François Perrier, 1646–47), Shipwreck (see Pietro da Cortona, c.1630-35), and Dido, in Latium; Apollo, General List; Arion; Artemis; Boreas; Endymion; Eros, Education; Heracles, and Omphale; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Marsyas; Paris, and Helen; Parnassus; Polyxena; Syrinx; Theseus, and Helen.
Romanelli, Luigi. Italian librettist. 1751–1839. ~ See listings for Vincenzo Federici: Dioscuri (1803); Ido-meneus (1806); Iphigenia, at Aulis (1809).
Romanelli, Urbano. Italian painter. 1652–1682. ~ Ariadne.
Romani, Carlo. Italian composer. 19th century. ~ Bacchanalia.
Romani, Felice. Italian librettist. 1786–1865. ~ See listings for Simon Mayr: Danaïds (1819); Medea
Romani, Pietro. Italian composer. 1791–1877. ~ Odysseus, Return (see Salvatore Taglioni, 1836). Romanino, Girolamo (called Girolamo Brescia, Hieronymus de Brescia). Italian painter, c.1484/87– c.1562. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, as Sun God; Artemis; Daphne; Eros, General List (see Titian, c.1510); Gods and Goddesses, General List; Graces; Hermes, General List; Marsyas; Muses, General List; Pegasus; Phaethon; Satyrs, and Nymphs.
Romano, Giulio. See Giulio Romano.
Romano, Luigi. Italian composer. 18th century. ~ Odysseus, Calypso.
Romberg, Bernhard Heinrich. German composer. 1767–1841. ~ Odysseus, Circe.
Rombouts, Theodoor. Flemish painter. 1597–1637. ~ Prometheus, Bound.
Romero Serrano, Marina. Spanish poet. 1908–. ~ Midas, General List.
Romney, George. English painter. 1734–1802. ~ Achilles, Wrath; Adonis; Aeneas, in the Underworld; Alcyone and Ceyx; Bacchanalia; Cassandra; Circe; Hebe; Medea; Orestes; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Psyche.
Ronger, Florimond. See Hervé.
Ronsard, Pierre de. French poet. 1524–1585. ~ Adonis; Aeneas, and Dido; Ajax; Aphrodite, General List, Birth, Girdle; Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Athena, Birth, Contest with Poseidon; Attis; Bacchanalia; Cadmus; Cassandra; Ce-phalus and Procris; Chiron; Dionysus, General List; Dioscuri; Eros, and Anteros, and the Bee; Gala-tea; Ganymede; Glaucus; Gods and Goddesses,
General List; Hades [2]; Hecate; Heracles, General List; Hermes, General List, Infancy; Icarus and Daedalus; Jason, and the Argonauts, Hylas, Phineus and Harpies; Leda; Mnemosyne; Muses, General List, Poetry and Music; Narcissus; Odysseus, Calypso; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice; Pandora; Paris, Judgment; Parnassus; Perseus, and Andromeda; Plutus; Prometheus, Bound; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Titans and Giants; Trojan War, Fall of Troy; Zeus, General List.
Rontgen, Julius. German composer. 1855–1932. ~ Prometheus, Creator.
Roore, Jacobus. Flemish painter. 1686–1747. ~ Achilles, General List.
Roos, Jan the Elder. Flemish painter. 1591–1638. ~ Circe.
Rootham, Cyril. English composer. 1875–1938. ~ Achilles, at Scyros.
Rops, Félicien. French painter. 1833–1898. ~ Leda.
Roques, Léon. French composer. 19th century. ~ Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Heracles, and Omphale.
Rordam, Valdemar. Danish poet. 1872–1946. ~ Aphrodite, General List.
Rorem, Ned. American composer. 1923–. ~ Midas, General List; Narcissus; Philomela and Procne.
Rosa, Pacecco de [Francesco de Rosa, called Pacecco]. Italian painter. 1607–1656. ~ Artemis; Flora, General List.
Rosa, Salvator. Italian painter, engraver. 1615–1673. Aeneas, in Latium; Ajax; Apollo, and the Cumaean Sibyl; Arion; Bacchanalia; Cadmus; Erichthon-ius; Hermes, General List; Io; Jason, Golden Fleece; Laomedon; Marsyas; Odysseus, Nausicaä; Oedipus, General List; Orion; Orpheus, General List see Luca Giordano, 1682-83); Pan, General List; Persephone, Demeter’s Search; Prometheus, Bound; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Sisyphus (see Luca Giordano, 1705); Syrinx; Theseus, Coming of Age; Titans and Giants; Triton; Zeus, Infancy.
Rosati, James. American sculptor. 1912-,
Nymphs, Dryads; Phoenix.
Roscoe, William Caldwell. English poet. 1823–1859. Ariadne.
Rose, Edward. English dramatist. 19th century. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Roseingrave, Thomas. English (or Irish?) composer. 1688–1766. ~ Narcissus (see Domenico Scarlatti, 1714); Phaedra AND HlPPOLYTUS.
Rosen, Elsa Marianne von. Swedish choreographer. 1927–. ~ Apollo, as Sun God; Prometheus, Creator.
Rosen, Heinz. German choreographer. 1908–1972. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Orpheus, General List.
Rosenberg, Hilding. Swedish composer, b. 1892. ~ Agamemnon; Ajax; Alcestis; Antigone; Iphigenia, at Tauris; Lysistrata; Medea; Oedipus, General List, at Colonus; Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Julian Algo, 1938); Phaedra and Hippolytus; Philoctetes; Prometheus, General List (see Viktor Rydberg, 1877).
Rosenthal, Bernard. American sculptor. 1914–. ~ Odysseus, General List.
Rosenthal, Manuel. French composer. 1904–. ~ Aeolus.
Rosenwald, Robert. American sculptor. 1920–. ~ Laocoön.
Rosete Nino, Pedro. Spanish poet. 17th century. ~ Pyramus and Thisbe.
Rosetti, Antonio. Bohemian composer. ca.1750–1792. ~ Telemachus.
Rosini, Giovanni. Italian poet. 1776–1855. ~ Leto.
Rosmer, Ernst [Elsa Berstein, née Porges], German dramatist. 1866–1949. ~ Achilles, General List; Odysseus, Nausicaä.
Ross, Ronald. English dramatist. 1857–1932. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Eos, and Tithonus; Odysseus, Calypso; Pygmalion.
Rossetti, Christina. English poet. 1830–1894. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Odysseus, Lotus-eaters.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. English painter, poet. 1828–1882. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Artemis; Astarte; Cassandra; Circe; Eros, General List, and Anteros; Fates; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Hector, General List; Helen of Troy; Heracles, Infant Heracles; Hero and Leander; Minotaur; Mnemosyne; Nymphs, Dryads; Odysseus, Sirens; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pandora; Paris, Judgment; Penelope; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Medusa, and Andromeda; Sirens; Trojan War, General List, Wooden Horse.
Rossi, F. Italian choreographer. 18th/19th century. Aeneas, in Latium; Boreas; Narcissus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Trojan War, General List (see Ignazio Fiorillo, 1807); Zephyr.
Rossi, Giacomo. Italian librettist, fl. 1710–31. ~ Heracles, General List; Idomeneus (see Giuseppe Farinelli, 1811).
Rossi, Luigi. Italian composer, c.1597–1653. ~ Meleager, Boar Hunt; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Rossi, Michelangelo. Italian composer. 1601/02–1656. ~ Perseus, and Andromeda.
Rossi, Nicola Maria. Italian painter, c.1699–c.1755. Callisto.
Rossi, Vincenzo de’. Italian sculptor. 1525–1587. ~ Adonis; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List; Heracles, Labors of, General List, Apples of the Hesper-ides; Paris, and Helen; Pirithous, General List.
Rossini, Gioacchino. Italian composer. 1792–1868. Aeneas, and Dido; Amazons (see Lew Christensen, 1953); Andromache; Cronus, General List (see Salvatore Viganô, 1819); Eos, General List; Oedipus, at Colonus; Orpheus, Death; Thetis, and Peleus; Titans and Giants.
Rossmann, Hermann. German dramadst. 1902–. ~ Iphigenia, at Tauris.
Rosso di San Secondo, Pier Maria. Italian poet, dramatist. 1887–1956. ~ Palamedes; Persephone, General List; Sirens.
Rosso Fiorentino [Giovanni Battista Rosso, called II Fiorentino]. Italian painter, engraver. 1494–1540. ~ Achilles, Infancy; Adonis; Alpheus and Are-thusa; Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Athena, General List, Contest with Poseidon; Ce–phalus and Procris; Cronus, General List; Cybele; Danaë (see Francesco Primaticcio, c.1542); Dionysus, General List; Eros, Punishment; Europa; Fates; Gods and Goddesses, General List, as Elements, Loves (see Perino del Vaga, 1527); Hades [i]; Hecate; Hector, Death; Heracles, General List, Choice, and Antaeus (see Antonio Fantuzzi, c.1543), and Cacus, and Deianeira; Heracles, Labors of. General List; Lemean Hydra, Cattle of Geryon (see Primaticcio, 1541–45), Cerberus; Jason, and the Argonauts (see Primaticcio, 1541–45); Leda (see Michelangelo, 1529–30); Meleager, Boar Hunt (see Fantuzzi, 1544–45); Narcissus; Nymphs, General List; Pandora; Parnassus (see Fantuzzi, c.1542– 43); Persephone, General List; Pierides; Pirithous, Wedding; Prometheus, Creator; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Seven against Thebes (see Domenico del Barbiere, 1565); Vertumnus (see Primaticcio, 1532–35); Zeus, General List.
Rotgans, Lucas. Dutch dramatist. 1654–1710. ~ Aeneas, in Latium; Minos.
Rothko, Mark [Marcus Rothkowitz]. American painter. 1903–1970. ~ Agamemnon; Antigone; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Leda; Oedipus, General List; Orestes; Tiresias.
Rotrou, Jean. French dramatist. 1609–1650. Amphitryon and Alcmene; Antigone; Heracles, Death; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Seven against Thebes; Shepherds and Shepherdesses.
Rottenhammer, Johann (Hans). German painter. 1564– 1625. ~ Actaeon; Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List, and Satyrs, Venus Frigida (see Jan Brueghel the Younger, ca.1615); Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Athena, General List; Callisto; Danaë; Dionysus, General List; Erichthonius (see Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1625); Gods and Goddesses, General List (see Brueghel the Elder, 1607–08); Hebe; Heracles, and Deianeira; Marsyas; Midas, Judgment (see A. and G. Rotbuchenholz, ca.1600); Niobe; Odysseus, Circe (see Brueghel the Elder, 1595); Paris, Judgment; Phaethon; Thetis, and Peleus.
Rôttger, Heinz. German composer. 1909–1977. ~ Phaethon; Trojan War, Fall of Troy.
Rottmayr, Johann Franz Michael. Austrian painter. 1654–1730. ~ Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List, as Sun God, as Shepherd; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List; Hermes, Infancy; Io; Zeus, General List. Rouault, Georges. French painter, engraver. 1871–1958. Bacchanalia; Odysseus, Return; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Roubiliac, Louis François. French sculptor. 1702–1762. ~ Heracles, General List.
Roussel, Albert. French composer. 1869–1937. ~ Aeneas, General List; Arachne (see Andrée Howard, 1944); Dionysus, and Ariadne (see Serge Lifar, 1931); Hermes, Infancy; Odysseus, in the Underworld.
Roussel, Ker-Xavier. French painter. 1867–1944. ~ Actaeon; Adonis; Aphrodite, General List; Arcadia; Artemis; Bacchanalia; Centaurs; Chiron; Cyclopes; Daphnis and Chloe; Dionysus, General List; Dioscuri; Galatea; Hesperides; Leda; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List, Naiads; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pan, General List; Persephone, General List; Psyche; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Silenus; Zeus, Infancy.
Roussin, André. French dramatist. 1911–. ~ Achilles, Death; Helen of Troy.
Routh, Francis. English composer. 1927–. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.
Routh, Francis. English composer. 1927–. ~ Iphigenia, at Aulis.
Rovetta, Giovanni. Italian composer, c. 1595–1668. ~ Heracles, and Omphale.
Rowe, Nicholas. English dramatist. 1674–1718. ~ Ajax; Muses, General List (see John Eccles, 1718); Odysseus, General List.
Rowley, Richard. Irish poet, dramatist. 1877–1947. ~ Apollo, as Shepherd.
Rowley, William. English dramatist, c. 1585–1626 or 1642. Apollo, as Sun God (see Ulysses Kay, 1958); Eros, General List; Hymen.
Roy, Pierre-Charles. French dramatist. 1683–1764. Ariadne (see Jean-Joseph Mouret, 1717); Baucis and Philemon; Creusa (see Louis de Lacoste, 1712); Graces (see Mouret, 1735); Philomela and Procne (see de Lacoste, 1703); Thbtis, General List (see Jean Baptiste François De Hesse, 1750); Vertumnus (see André Cardinal Destouches, 1763).
Royer, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace. French composer. e.1705–1755. ~ Pandora; Polyxena.
Roze, Nicolas. French composer. 1745–1819. ~ Apollo, General List.
Rozewicz, Tadeusz. Polish dramatist, poet. 1921–. Arcadia; Laocoön; Odysseus, Scylla and Charybdis; Pegasus.
Rozkosny, Josef Richard. Czech composer. 1833–1913. ~ Odysseus, General List.
Rôzycki, Ludomir. Polish composer. 1884–1953. ~ Apollo, Loves; Perseus, and Medusa; Psyche. Rubbra, Edmund. English composer. 1901–1986. Penelope.
Rubens, Peter Paul. Dutch painter. 1577–1640. ~ Achilles, General List, Infancy, at Scyros, Wrath, Return to Batde, Death; Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy, Storm, Shipwreck, and Dido, in the Underworld, in Latium; Aeolus; Amazons; Amphitrite; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, General List, Birth, Worship, Venus Frigida; Apollo, General List, as Sun God, and Python; Arachne; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Ares and Athena; Arion; Ar
temis; Artemis of Ephesus; Asclepius and Hygieia; Atalanta; Atlas; Bacchanalia; Baucis and Philemon; Bellerophon; Boreas; Cadmus; Callisto; Centaurs; Cephalus and Procris; Clytie; Comus; Cronus, General List, Birth of Olympians; Cybele; Cyparissus; Danaë; Daphne; Demeter;’ Deucalion and Pyrrha; Dionysus, General List; Dioscuri; Endymion; Eos, General List; Erichthonius; Eros, General List, Punishment; Europa; Fates; Flora, General List, and Zephyr; Furies; Ganymede; Glaucus; Gods and Goddesses, General List, as Seasons, as Elements; Graces; Harpies; Hebe; Hector, Death; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, General List, and Antaeus, Death, and Deianeira, and Omphale; Apotheosis; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion, Lemean Hydra, Apples of the Hesperides, Cerberus; Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander; Hyacinth; Hymen; Icarus and Daedalus; Io; Ixion; Janus; Jason, Golden Fleece; Leda; Leto; Medea; Medusa; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Midas, Judgment; Minotaur; Muses, General List; Narcissus; Nymphs, Naiads, Nereids; Oceanus; Odysseus, General List, Nausicaä, Polyphemus; Orpheus, General List, and Eurydice; Pan, General List, Loves; Paris, and Helen (see Niccolô dell’ Abbate, 1571); Parnassus; Pasiphaë; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Phaethon; Philomela and Procne; Pirithous, Wedding; Plutus; Pomona; Poseidon, General List; Prometheus, Bound; Psyche; Pyramus and Thisbe; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Semele; Silenus; Sirens; Syrinx; Theseus, and the Amazons, and Achelous; Thetis, and Pe’leus; Titans and Giants; Triton; Vertumnus; Zeus, General List.
Rubinstein, Anton. Russian composer. 1830–1894. Bacchanalia; Boreas (see Leonid Lavrosky, 1935); Trojan War, Fall of Troy.
Rubio Gamez, Fanny. Spanish poet. 1948–. ~ Hyperion.
Ruby, Harry. American composer. 1895–1974. ~ Helen of Troy (see Bert Kalmar, 1923).
Rucellai, Giovanni. Italian dramatist. 1475–1525. ~ Iphigenia, at Tauris.
Rudbeck, Olof. Swedish author. 1630–1702. ~ Atlantis.
Rude, François. French sculptor. 1784–1855. ~ Achilles, General List, Wrath; Hermes, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Prometheus, Creator. Rudow, Vivian Adelberg. American composer. 1936–. ~ Trojan War, Fall of Troy.
Rudzinski, Witold. Polish composer. 1913–. ~ Trojan War, General List.
Rugeley, Rowland. English satirist. 1735?–1776. ~ Aeneas, and Dido; Apollo, Loves; Ares and Aphrodite.
Ruggi, Lorenzo. Italian poet. b. 1883. ~ Prometheus, General List, Bound.
Ruggiero de Ruggieri. Italian painter, active in France. ?–1596/97. ~ Heracles, General List (see Toussaint Dubreuil, 1596– 97).
Rühmkorf, Peter. German poet. 1929–. ~ Icarus and Daedalus.
Ruiz, Gabriel. Italian composer. 18th century. ~ Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Rukeyser, Muriel. American poet. 1913–1980. Aphrodite, Birth; Icarus and Daedalus; Minotaur; Niobe; Oedipus, and the Sphinx; Orpheus, and Eurydice, Death; see also listings for Gunnar Ekelôf, 1967: Gods and Goddesses, General List; Laocoon; Niobe; Sirens.
Rulfo, Juan. Mexican author. 1918–1986. ~ Eros, General List.
Runciman, Alexander. Scottish painter. 1736–1785. Achilles, Infancy, Wrath; Adonis; Odysseus, Nausicaä; Orestes; Thetis, and Peleus.
Runge, Philipp Otto. German painter. 1777–1810. Achilles, Return to Batde; Aphrodite, Birth; Apollo, General List; Arion; Bacchanalia; Diomedes; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eos, General List; Eros, Triumphant; Psyche.
Ruppe, Christian Friedrich. Dutch-German composer. 1753–1826. ~ Galatea.
Rus, Jean. French poet. 16th century. ~ Narcissus.
Rush, William. American sculptor. 1756–1833. ~ Muses, Drama; Nymphs, Naiads (see Thomas Eakins, 1877).
Ruskin, John. English poet, critic, artist. 1819–1900. ~ Arion; Athena, General List.
Russell, George William (called Æ). Irish poet. 1867– 1935. ~ Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List; Eros, General List; Janus.
Russell, Gordon. American painter. 1932–. ~ Satyrs and Fauns, General List.
Russell, Peter. English poet. 1921–. ~ Agamemnon; Circe; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Orpheus, and Eurydice.
Russell, Thomas. English poet. 1762–1788. ~ Philoctetes.
Rust, Giacomo. Italian composer. 1741–1786. ~ Demophon; Zeus, General List.
Rustici, Giovanni Francesco. Italian sculptor. 1474–1554. ~ Apollo, and Python; Hermes, General List.
Rüter, Hugo. German composer. 1859–. ~ Philoctetes.
Ruthart, Karl Borromaeus Andres. German painter. c. 1630–after 1703. ~ Odysseus, Circe.
Ruthenfranz, Robert. German composer. 1905–1970. ~ Gods and Goddesses, General List.
Rutini, Giovanni Marco. Italian composer. 1723–1797. ~ Aeneas, in Latium.
Ruyneman, Daniel. Dutch composer. 1886–1963. ~ Amphitryon and Alcmene.
Ryckere, Bemaert de. Flemish painter, c. 1535–1590. Actaeon.
Rydberg, Viktor. Swedish poet. 1828–1895. ~ Nymphs, Dryads (see Jean Sibelius, 1894); Prometheus, General List; Psyche.
Ryder, Albert Pinkham. American painter. 1847–1917. ~ Arcadia; Artemis; Nymphs, Dryads; Pegasus. Rydman, Kari. Finnish composer. 1936–. ~ Syrinx.
Ryga, George. Canadian dramatist. 1932–. ~ Prometheus, Bound.
Rysbrack, John Michael. Flemish sculptor. 1694–1770. ~ Flora, General List; Heracles, General List.
Ryssen, Comelis van, called Comelio Satiro. Netherlandish painter. Documented 1667. ~ Athena, General List.
Rytel, Piotr. Polish composer. 1884–1970. ~ Psyche.
Ryves, Elizabeth. English poet. 1750–1797. ~ Hymen.