a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
Tabley, Lord de. See Warren, John Byrne Leicester. ~
Tacca, Ferdinando. Italian sculptor. 1619–1686. ~Dionysus, Infancy; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons; Hera; Heracles, and Iole, and Omphale; Heracles, Labors of, General List (see Giambologna, 1581); Hermes, General List
Taddeo di Bartolo. Italian painter. 1362–1422. ~Apollo, General List; Ares; Athena, General List; Zeus, General List
Tadolini, Adamo. Italian sculptor. 1788-1868. ~Bacchanalia
Tagarro, Manoel da Veiga. Spanish poet. 17th century. ~Icarus and Daedalus
Taggard, Genevieve. American poet. 1894-1948. ~Galatea; Persephone, Demeter’s Search.
Tagliazucchi Cantelli, Veronica. Italian poet. 18th century. ~Philomela and Procne
Taglioni, Filippo. Italian choreographer. 1777–1871. ~Amazons; Atalanta; Flora, and Zephyr; Paris, Judgment
Taglioni, Marie Paul. German choreographer. 1833–1891. ~Amphitrite
Taglioni, Paul (Paolo). Italian-German choreographer. 1808–1884. ~Aeneas, and Dido; Amphitrite; Boreas; Eros, General List, Triumphant; Graces; Persephone, General List; Pleiades
Taglioni, Salvatore. Italian choreographer. 1789-1868. ~Achilles, Wrath; Aphrodite, Birth; Atalanta; Dioscuri; Narcissus; Odysseus, Return
Tagliolini, Filippo. Italian sculptor. ?–1812 ~Titans and Giants
Tahourdin, Peter Richard. English composer. 1928–. ~Hyperion
Tailhade, Laurent. French poet. 1854–1919. ~Aphrodite, General List
Taillasson, Jean-Joseph. French painter. 1746-1809. ~Bacchanalia; Hades [2]; Philoctetes; Psyche
Tailleferre, Germaine. French composer. 1892–1983. ~Narcissus
Takâcs, Jeno. Austrian composer. 1902–. ~Narcissus; Pan, General List
Talarico, Elio. Italian dramatist. 1907-. ~Icarus and Daedalus; Prometheus, General List
Talbot, James. English dramatist. ?–1708. ~Muses, General List (see Gottfried Finger, 1698)
Talfourd, Francis. English dramatist. 1828–1362. ~Alcestis; Atalanta; Persephone, General List; Thetis, and Peleus
Talfourd, Thomas. English dramatist. 1795–1854. ~Creusa
Talma, Louise. American composer. 1906–. ~Alcestis.
Taluet, Ferdinand. French sculptor. 1821-1904. ~Penelope
Tamayo de Salazar, Juan. Spanish poet. ?-i662. ~Narcissus
Tamiris, Helen (née Becker). American choreographer. 1905-1966. ~Amazons
Tanche, Nicolas. French painter, r.1740–? ~Dionysus, Infancy
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich. Russian composer. 1856-1915- ~Agamemnon; Orestes
Tannhäuser, Der. German poet. c. 1200–c. 1270. ~Aphrodite, Tannhauser
Tansillo, Luigi. Italian poet. 1510–1568. ~Icarus and Daedalus
Tansman, Alexandre. French composer, b. 1897. ~Jason, Golden Fleece
Taras, John. American choreographer. 1919–. ~Aeneas, and Dido; Ariadne; Daphnis and Chloe; Persephone, General List; Trojan War, Fall of Troy
Taraval, Jean-Hugues. French painter. 1729-1785. Amphitrite; Artemis; Callisto; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons, Loves (see French School, 1757-58); Heracles, Infant Heracles
Tarchi, Angelo. Italian composer, c.1760–1814. ~Danaïds; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Heracles, Apotheosis; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Pygmalion
Tarchiani, Filippo. Italian painter. 1576–1645. ~Midas, Judgment
Tardieu, Jean. French dramatist. 1903-. ~Midas, Judgment; Prometheus, Bound
Tarifa, Marques de. Spanish dramatist. 17th century. ~Myrrha
Tartùfari, Clarice. Italian author. 1868–1933. ~Icarus and Daedalus; Medusa
Tassaert, Octave. French painter. 1800-1874. ~Pygmalion
Tassard, Jean-Pierre-Antoine. Flemish sculptor. 1727-1788. ~Athena, General List
Tassel, Jean. French painter. 1608–1667. ~Paris, and Helen
Tassi, Agosdno [Agosdno Buonamico]. Italian painter. r.1580–1644. ~Actaeon; Apollo, as Sun God (see Domenichino, c.1622); Callisto; Endymion; Galatea; Parnassus (see Orazio Gentileschi, 1611–12)
Tassis y Peralta, Juan de, conde de Villamediana. Portuguese poet. 1582–1622. ~Adonis; Icarus and Daedalus
Tasso, Bernardo. Italian poet. 1493-1569. ~Hero and Leander; Pyramus and Thisbe
Tasso, Torquato. Italian poet. 1544–1595. ~Ages of the World; Arcadia; Ares; Artemis; Circe; Eros, and the Bee; Furies; Hades [i]; Hades [2]; Heracles, and Iole; Icarus and Daedalus; Nymphs, General List; Penthesilea; Phoenix; Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Tasson-Snel, Balthazar-François. Belgian painter. 1811– 1890. ~Heracles, General List
Tassoni, Alessandro. Italian poet. 1565–1635. ~Endymion
Tate, Allen. American poet. 1899–1979. ~Aeneas, Flight from Troy, Wanderings, in Latium; Aphrodite, General List; Daphne; Oedipus, General List; Orestes; Persephone, Return; Sisyphus; Trojan War, Fall of Troy
Tate, Nahum. English dramatist. 1652–1715. ~Aeneas, and Dido (see Henry Purcell, 1689)
Tate, Phyllis. English composer. 1911–. ~Pentheus
Tatham, John. English dramatist, fl. 1632–64. ~Daphnis and Chloe
Taubert, Manfred. German choreographer. 1935–. Orestes
Taubert, Wilhelm. German composer. 1811–1891. ~Phaedra and Hippolytus
Taunay, Nicolas Antoine. French painter. 1755–1830. ~Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Tautu, Cornelia. Rumanian composer. 1938–. ~Medea; Prometheus, Bound
Tavaststjema, Karl August. Finland-Swedish poet, dramatist, novelist. 1860-1898. ~Endymion
Taverner, William. English painter. 1703–1772. ~Artemis; Erichthonius; Ganymede
Taylor, Bayard. American poet. 1825–1878. ~Deucalion and Pyrrha; Icarus and Daedalus; Jason, and the Argonauts, Hylas; Odysseus, Sirens; Pandora
Taylor, Peter. American novelist. 1917–. ~Aphrodite, General List
Tchelitchew, Pavel. Russian painter. 1898-1957. Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List; Niobe; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Parnassus; PasiphaE; Penelope
Tcherepnin, Nicolai. Russian composer. 1873–1945. ~Dionysus, General List; Narcissus
Teasdale, Sara. American poet. 1884–1933. ~Aphrodite, Birth; Helen of Troy
Tegnér, Esaias. Swedish poet. 1782–1846. ~Daphne
Telemann, Georg Philipp. German composer. 1681–1767. ~Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Alcestis; Arcadia; Athamas and Ino; Heracles, and Omphale; Narcissus; Odysseus, Calypso; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Semble; Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Telle, Constantin Michel. German choreographer, fl. 1802–30. ~Boreas
Telle, Karl. German choreographer. 1826-1895. Pygmalion
Tempeltey, Eduard von. German dramatist. 1832-1919. ~Agamemnon; Orestes
Tempesta, Antonio. Italian painter. 1555–1630. ~Actaeon (see Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635); Aeneas, Flight from Troy (see Guercino, 1615-17); Demeter; Europa; Phaethon.
Tenaglia, Antonio Francesco. Italian composer, c.1610/ 20-after 1661. ~Paris, Judgment
Tenducci, Giusto Ferdinando. Italian composer, r.1735– 1790. ~Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Tenerani, Pietro. Italian sculptor. 1789-1869. ~Adonis; Aphrodite, General List; Eros, General List; Flora, General List; Hestia; Psyche
Tengnagel, Jan. Dutch painter. 1584/85-1635. ~Atalanta
Teniers, David the Elder. Flemish painter. 1582–1649. Artemis; Europa (see Titian, 1559-62); Io; Muses, General List; Pan, General List; Paris, General List (see Giorgione, 1510), Judgment; Satyrs, and Nymphs; Syrinx; Thetis, and Peleus; Trojan War, General List; Vertumnus
Teniers, David the Younger. Flemish painter. 1610-1690. ~Amphitrite; Aphrodite, General List; Bacchanalia; Europa (see Titian, 1559-62); Ganymede (Adriaen de Vries, 1626)
Tenniel, John. English illustrator. 1820–1914. ~Pygmalion
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (Alfred, first Baron Tennyson). English poet. 1809–1892. ~Achilles, Return to Battle
Tennyson, Frederick. English poet. 1807-1898. ~Alcyone and Ceyx; Ariadne; Athamas and Ino; Atlantis; Daphne; Medea; Niobe; Nymphs, Dryads; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Psyche; Pygmalion
Tentije, Hans. Dutch poet. 1944–. ~Icarus and Daedalus
Terbrugghen, Hendrik. Dutch painter. 1588-1629. ~Ares; Pomona
Terpis, Max. Swiss choreographer. 1889–1958. ~Niobe; Odysseus, Circe; Orpheus, General List; Prometheus, General List
Terradellas, Domingo. Spanish composer. 1713–1751. Aeneas, and Dido; Bellerophon; Demeter; Jason, Hypsipyle; Merope
Terramare, Georg [Georg von Eisler-Terramare]. German dramatist. 1889–1948. ~Penelope; Telemachus
Terrasse, Claude. French composer. 1867-1923. ~Heracles, Labors of. General List; Telemachus
Terron, Carlo. Italian dramatist. 1913–. ~Phaedra and Hippolytus
Terwesten, Augustin. Dutch painter. 1649-1711/17. Aphrodite, General List; Athena, General List; Psyche
Terwesten, Mattheus. Dutch painter. 1670-1757. ~Perseus, and Andromeda; Poseidon, General List
Terzakis, Dimitri. Greek composer. 1938–. ~Medea; Nymphs, Nereids; Odysseus, General List; Orestes
Tessier, Louis Adolphe. French painter, fl. 1886–1909. ~Sirens
Testa, Pietro. Italian painter. 1611–1650. ~Achilles, Infancy; Adonis; Aeneas, and Dido; Gala-tea; Heracles, Choice.
Testi, Flavio. Italian composer. 1923–. ~Orestes
Testore, Lidia. Italian composer. 20th century. ~Aphrodite, General List; Bacchanalia; Pentheus
Tetley, Glen. American choreographer. 1926–. ~Daphnis and Chloe
Teunissen, Comelis Anthonisz. Flemish painter.1500– 1554. ~Pandora; Prometheus, Bound; Psyche
Textor, Ravisius [Jean Tixier]. French dramatist. ?– 1520/24 ~Troilus and Cressida
Tezuka, Osamu, 1928-1989; pioneer Japanese manga and anime; god of manga ~ Apollo, and Daphne; Psyche; Zephyr
Thabart, Adolphe Martial. French sculptor. 1831–1905. ~Muses, Poetry and Music
Thackeray, William Makepeace. English author, lithographer. 1811–1863. ~Flora, and Zephyr; Sirens
Thayer, Stephen Henry. American poet. 1839–1919. ~Eos, and Tithonus; Europa
Théaulon de Lambert, Emmanuel Guillaume. French composer. 1787–1841. ~Psyche
Theed, William the Elder. English sculptor. 1764–1817. ~Heracles, Labors of, Mares of Diomedes
Theed, William (the Younger). English painter, sculptor. 1804-1891. ~Narcissus
Theilade, Nini. Danish choreographer. 1916–. ~Psyche
Thémelis, Georgios. Greek poet. 1900–. ~Aeneas, General List
Theobald, John. English dramatist. ?–1760. ~Merope
Theobald, Lewis. English dramatist. 1688–1744. ~Ajax; Daphne (see Johann Ernst Galliard, 1726); Europa (see Galliard, 1723); Oedipus, General List; Orestes; Orpheus, and Eurydice (see Johann Frederick Lampe, 1740); Persephone, General List; Perseus, 1730), and Medusa (see William Hogarth, 1730), and Andromeda (see Galliard; Plutus; Syrinx
Theodorakis, Mikis. Greek composer. 1925–. ~Antigone (see John Cranko, 1959)
Theotokàs, Jorgos. Greek novelist. 1906–1966. ~Jason, and the Argonauts
Therbusch-Lisiewska, Anna Dorothea. German painter. 1721-1782. ~Bacchanalia; Dionysus, General List; Eros, General List
Thesen, Sharon. Canadian poet. 1946-. ~Artemis
Thevenin, Charles. French painter. 1760–1838. ~Oedipus, at Colonus
Thiérac, Jacques. French composer. 20th century. ~Chimaera (see Janine Charrat, 1958)
Thierry, Jean the Younger. French sculptor. 1669–1739. Leda
Thijs (Thys), Pieter the Elder. Flemish painter. 1624-1677. ~Achilles, at Scyros; Icarus and Daedalus
Thiriet, Maurice. French composer. 1906–1972. ~Heracles, General List (see Janine Charrat, 1953); Oedipus, General List; Psyche
Thiry, Léonard. French painter. 1500-1550. ~Athamas and Ino; Athena, General List; Callisto; Dionysus, General List; Jason, and the Argonauts, Golden Fleece; Persephone, General List, Demeter’s Search, Return; Thetis, General List
Thivet, Antoine-Auguste. French painter. 1822–after 1900. ~Danaë
Thoma, Hans. German painter. 1839-1924. ~Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List; Ares; Artemis; Centaurs; Cronus, General List; Dionysus, General List; En-dymion; Eros, General List; Flora, General List; Hades [2]; Harpies; Hermes, General List; Laome-don; Marsyas; Nymphs, Naiads, Nereids; Orpheus, General List; Pan, General List; Poseidon, General List; Proteus; Satyrs and Fauns, General List, and Nymphs; Shepherds and Shepherdesses; Sirens; Triton; Zeus, General List
Thomae, Benjamin. German sculptor. 1682-1751. Adonis; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List; Bacchanalia; Hera; Heracles, Labors of, Nemean Lion; Hermes, General List; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Triton; Zeus, General List
Thomas, Albert-Valentin. French painter, fl. 1890–1905. ~Leda
Thomas, Ambroise. French composer. 1811–1896. Psyche
Thomas, Antoine Jean-Baptiste. French painter. 1791– 1834. ~Fates; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Paris, and Oenone (see Prix de Rome, 1816)
Thomas, Arthur Goring. English composer. 1850-1892. ~Hero and Leander
Thomas, Donald. English poet. 1935–. ~Orpheus, and Eurydice
Thomas, Edith M. American poet. 1854-1925. ~Antiope, and Dirce; Apollo, as Shepherd; Phaethon
Thomas, Edward. English poet. 1878–1917. ~Hades [2]
Thomas, Gabriel-Jules. French sculptor. 1824-1905. ~Muses, Poetry and Music, Drama
Thomas, George Havard. English sculptor. 1893–1933. ~Aphrodite, General List
Thomas, James Havard. English sculptor. 1854–1921. ~Cassandra; Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Thomas, Jan, van Yperen (Jan Thomas the Younger). Flemish painter. 1617–1678. ~Artemis; Dionysus, General List
Thomas, Peter D. American poet. 1928–. ~Aphrodite, Birth; Artemis; Muses, Poetry and Music
Thomas, Rosemary. American poet. 1901–1961. ~Ariadne; Daphne; Icarus and Daedalus; Jason, and the Argonauts; Orpheus, General List, Death, and Eurydice; Phaethon
Thomé, Francis. French composer. 1850–1909. ~Adonis; Endymion; Pygmalion
Thommessen, Olav Anton. Norwegian composer. 1946-. ~Hermaphroditus
Thompson, Francis. English poet. 1859–1907. ~Apollo, as Sun God; Daphne; Hermes, General List
Thompson, James Maurice. American poet. 1844–1901. Aphrodite, General List; Eos, General List; Eros, General List; Pan, General List; Persephone, General List; Psyche
Thompson, Julian F. American dramatist, d. 1939. Heracles, Labors of. Girdle of Hippolyta; Theseus, and the Amazons
Thompson, Lydia. English librettist. 1836–1908. ~Ixion
Thomson, James. English poet. 1834–1882. ~Hebe; Pygmalion
Thomson, James. Scots poet. 1700–1748. ~Agamemnon; Ages of the World; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List; Heracles, General List; Laocoûn; Meleager, General List; Pomona
Thomson, Virgil. American composer. 1896–1989
Trojan War, Fall of Troy
Thoreau, Henry David. American author. 1817-1862. ~Icarus and Daedalus
Thornhill, James. English painter. 1675/76-1734. Achilles, Return to Batde; Adonis; Athena, General List; Endymion; Parnassus
Thomycrofit, William Hamo. English sculptor. 1850– 1925– ~Ages of the World; Artemis; Medea
Thorwaldsen (Thorvaldsen), Bertel. Danish sculptor. 1770-1844. ~Achilles, Infancy, Wrath; Actaeon; Adonis; Ajax; Aphrodite, General List, Birth; Apollo, General List, as Shepherd, Loves; Ares; Ariadne; Artemis; Asclepius and Hygieia; Athena, General List; Bacchanalia; Callisto; Daphne; Dionysus, General List, and Ariadne, Infancy; Dioscuri; Endymion; Eros, General List, Punishment, and the Bee, Triumphant; Fates; Ganymbde; Gods and Goddesses, as Elements, Vice and Virtue; Graces; Hebe; Hector, General List, Death; Hephaestus; Heracles, General List, and Deianeira, Apotheosis; Hermes, General List; Hymen; Io; Jason, General List, Hylas, Golden Fleece; Leda; Leto; Meleager, Boar Hunt; Muses, General List, Poetry and Music, Dance, Drama; Narcissus; Nymphs, General List; Odysseus, Return; Orion; Pan, General List; Paris, General List, Judgment; Parnassus; Patroclus; Pegasus; Penthesilea; Perseus, and Andromeda; Prometheus, Creator; Psyche; Syrinx; Zeus, General List
Thovez, Enrico. Italian poet. 1869–1925. ~Odysseus, Return
Thulden, Theodoor van. Flemish painter. 1606–1669. Aeneas, and Dido; Aphrodite, Venus Frigida; Cronus, General List; Cyparissus; Fates; Galatea; Hades [2]; Herse and Aglaurus; Paris, Judgment; Parnassus; Perseus, and Andromeda; Theseus, and Achelous; see also listings for Peter Paul Rubens: Achilles, General List (e.1630-35?), Infancy (c.1630-35?), at Scyros (c. 1616), Wrath (c.1630-35?). Return to Battle (c.1630-35?), Death (c.1630-35?); Ares (c.1616-17); Dioscuri (1635); Gods and Goddesses, General List (1602); Hector, Death (r.1530-35?); Hermes, General List (1622-25); Orpheus, General List (1636–38); see also listings for Francesco Primaticcio: Agamemnon (1533-35); Odysseus, General List (1533-35); Penelope (1556-59); Trojan War, Fall of Troy (1555–59)
Thuri [Arthur Müller], Swiss poet. 1916-. ~Achilles, General List
Thurlow, Edward. English poet. 1781–1829. ~Ariadne; Proteus
Thys (Sebault, Thys-Sebault), Pauline. French composer. 1836-after 1881. ~Achilles, Infancy
Tibaldi, Pellegrino. Italian painter. 1527-1596. ~Heracles, Death; OdysseUs, General List, Polyphemus, Leucothea; Parnassus; Pierides
Tidemann, Philip. German painter. 1657–1705. ~Adonis; Daphne; Endymion; Heracles, Choice
Tieck, Friedrich. German sculptor. 1776–1851. ~Niobe
Tieck, Ludwig. German poet. 1773–1853. ~Aphrodite, Tannhâuser; Arion; Heracles, Choice; Niobe
Tiedge, Christoph August. German poet. 1752–1841. ~Muses, Astronomy)
Tiel, Justus. German painter. 16th century. ~Heracles, Choice
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista). Italian painter. 1696-1770. ~Achilles, General List, at Scyros, Wrath; Actaeon; Aeneas, General List, Storm, in Latium, Apotheosis; Aeolus; Amphion; Aphrodite, General List, and Satyrs; Apollo, General List, as Sun God; Ares; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis; Athena, General List; Bellerophon; Callisto; Cronus, General List; DanaB; Daphne; Dionysus, General List, Infancy, and Ariadne; Endymion; Eos, General List; Eros, General List, Triumphant (see Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, r. 1760-70); Europa; Flora, General List, and Zephyr; Ganymede; Gods and Goddesses, General List, as Elements; Graces; Hector, Death; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, General List, and Antaeus, Pillars, Apotheosis; Hermes, General List; Hyacinth; Io; Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris; Marsyas; Midas, Judgment; Muses, Poetry and Music; Odysseus, General List (see Antonio Guardi, 1760); Orpheus, and Eurydice; Palamedes; Paris, and Helen; Parnassus; Patroclus; Pegasus; Persephone, General List; Perseus, General List, and Andromeda; Phaethon; Polyxena (see Federico Bencovich, 1753); Poseidon, General List, Loves; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Selene; Seven against Thebes; Syrinx; Telema-chus; Tiresias; Trojan War, General List, Wooden Horse (see Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, c.1773); Zeus, General List
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico (Giandomenico). Italian painter, engraver. 1727-1804. ~Achilles, General List (see Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, c. 1750-60); Aeneas, and Dido; Centaurs; Daphne (see Giambattista, 1731); Dionysus, Infancy (see Franz Anton Maulbertsch, c.1759); Endymion (see Giambattista, c. 1750–60); Eros, General List (see Giambattista, 1757)) Triumphant; Flora, General List; Heracles, General List, Apotheosis; Hermes, General List; Iphi-genia, at Aulis; Jason, General List; Midas, Judgment (see Giambattista, c.1750); Poseidon, General List; Satyrs and Fauns, General List; Syrinx (see Giambattista, 175+) ; Telemachus (see Giambattista, c.1750); Ti-resias (see Giambattista, c.vjso–60); Trojan War, Wooden Horse
Tighe, Mary. English poet. 1772–1810. ~Psyche
Tilens, Jan. Flemish painter. 1589–1630. ~Europa (see Frans Francken II, 1621)
Timbal, Charles. French painter. 1821–1880. ~Muses, Poetry and Music
Timmer, Leopold. Austrian composer. 1701-1757. ~Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Timoneda, Juan de. Spanish dramatist, c.1520–1583. ~Amphitryon and Alcmene; Philomela and Procne
Tintoretto, Domenico [Domenico Robusti, called Tintoretto]. Italian painter. 1562-1635. ~Adonis (see Jacopo Tintoretto, 1543–44); Apollo, General List; Ares and Aphrodite; Artemis (see Jacopo 1543-44); Athena, General List (see Jacopo 1543–44); Dionysus, and Ariadne (see Jacopo 1577–78); Eos, General List (see Jacopo 1548-56); Gods, Vice and Virtue (see Jacopo 1590s); Heracles, and Antaeus; Pandora; Parnassus
Tintoretto, Jacopo [Jacopo Robusti, called Tintoretto]. Italian painter. 1518-1594. ~Adonis; Aeneas, Flight from Troy, and Dido; An-tiope. General List; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, General List (see Domenico Tintoretto, late 1580s); Arachne; Ares and Aphrodite (see Domenico 1590s); Ares and Aphrodite; Ares and Athena; Artemis, Contest with Poseidon; Cybele; Danaë; Daphne; Demeter; Deucalion and Pyrrha; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Endymion; Eos, General List, and Tithonus; Eros, General List (see Michelangelo, 1496); Europa; Ganymede (see Damiano Mazza, c.1573); Gods and Goddesses, Vice and Virtue; Graces; Hephaestus; Hera; Heracles, Birth, and Antaeus (see Domenico late 1580s), and Omphale, Death; Hermes, General List; Icarus and Daedalus; Io; Leda; Leto; Marsyas; Midas, Judgment; Muses, General List; Narcissus; Niobe; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Pandora (see Domenico late 16th century); Paris, Judgment, and Helen; Parnassus; Persephone, General List (see Venetian School, 16th century); Perseus, and Andromeda; Phae-thon; Pierides; Pyramus and Thisbe; Selene; Semble; Zeus, General List
Tiomkin, Dmitri. Russian-American composer. 1894– 1979-Ares
Tippett, Michael. English composer. 1905–. ~Achilles, General List; Hector, Death; Trojan War, General List. ~Tirso de Molina [Fray Gabriel Téllez]. Spanish dramatist. 1583–1648. ~Achilles, at Scyros; Amazons; Arcadia; Ariadne
Tischbein, Johann Friedrich August. German painter. ~1750- 1812. ~Paris, and Helen; Psyche
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich the Elder. German painter. 1722–1789. ~Achilles, Wrath; Callisto; Galatea; Paris, and Helen
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm. German painter. ~1751- 1829. ~Hector, General List; Odysseus, Nausicaâ
Tisi, Benvenuto. See Garofalo
Tissier, Ange. French painter. 1814-1876. ~Nymphs, General List
Titian [Tiziano Vecellio]. Italian painter, c. 1488/90-1576. ~Actaeon; Adonis; Antiope, General List; Aphrodite, General List (see also Giorgione, c.1505); Birth, Worship, and Satyrs; Arcadia (see Giorgione, c.1510); Ares and Aphrodite; Ariadne; Artemis (see Bolognese School, c.1600); Atalanta; Bacchanalia; Callisto; Danaë; Daphne (see Giorgione, 1510); Dionysus, and Ariadne; Endymion (see James Russell Lowell, 1888); Eros, General List, Education, Punishment; Europa; Flora, General List; Ganymede (see Damiano Mazza, c.1573); Gods and Goddesses, General List (see Giovanni Bellini, 1514), Loves (see Padovanino, 1648); Ixion; LaocoOn (see Anonymous, 1640s); Leda (see Giorgione, c.1505-10); Marsyas; Myrrha (see Giorgione, 1510); Orpheus, General List (see Venetian School, c.1575), and Eurydice; Paris, and Oenone, Judgment (see Giorgione, 1510); Persephone, General List (see Christoph Schwarz, c.1573); Perseus, and Andromeda; Pomona; Priapus (see Bellini, 1514); Psyche; Satyrs and Fauns, and Nymphs; Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Luis Cemuda, 1956–62); Sisyphus; Tantalus; Tityus; Zeus, Loves (see Andrea Schiavone, 1563)
Tito, Sand di. Italian painter. 1536-1603. ~Heracles, and Iole; Phaethon
Titov, Alexey Nikolayevich. Russian composer. 1769– 1827. ~Eros, General List; Graces; Perseus, and Andromeda; Polyxena (see Vlâdislav Ozerov, 1809)
Titta Rosa, Giovanni. Italian novelist, b. 1891. ~Niobe
Tittel, Ernst. Austrian composer. 1910–1969. ~Midas, Judgment
Tixier, Jean. See Textor, Ravisius
Tobler, Georg Christoph. Swiss poet. 1757–1812. ~Prometheus, Freed
Toch, Ernst. Austrian-American composer. 1887-1964. ~Hyperion; Narcissus
Todhunter, John. English poet, dramatist. 1839-1916. ~Alcestis; Artemis; Helen of Troy; Psyche
Tol, Claes. Dutch painter. ?–1652. ~Paris, Judgment
Tolstoi, Fedor. Russian engraver. 1783–1873. ~Psyche. ~Tolstoy, Alexey Nikolaevich. Russian dramatist, poet. ~1883-1945- ~Orion
TomdSek, Vaclav Jan (Wenzel Johann Tomaschek). Bohemian composer. 1774–1850. ~Hector, General List
Tomasi, Henri. Corsican-French composer. 1901–1971- ~Atlantis; Odysseus, General List
Tomasi, Tommaso. Italian poet. 1608–1658. ~Atlas
TomeS (Tomich), Frantisek. Czech composer. 1759-after 1796. ~Orpheus, and Eurydice
Tomlinson, Charles. English poet. 1927–. ~Prometheus, General List
Tommasini, Vincenzo. Italian composer. 1878–1950. Medea
Tomson, J. English poet. 16th century. ~Pyramus and Thisbe
Tonelli, Giuseppe. Italian painter. 1668-1732. ~See listings for Sebastiano Ricci: ActaeoN (1703); Adonis (r.1707-08); Callisto (c. 1707-08); Europa (r.1707-08); Syrinx (1698)
Topelius, Zachris. Finnish poet, writing in Swedish. 1818–1898. ~Orion
Topske, Vilhelm Kristian Sigurd. Danish novelist. 1840–1884. ~Jason, and the Argonauts, Golden Fleece
Torelli, Pomponio. Italian dramatist. 1539-1608. ~Galatea; Merope; Polydorus
Torelli, Stefano. Italian painter. 1712-1784. ~Adonis; Aeneas, Storm; Endymion (see Joâo de Sousa Carvalho, 1783)
Torga, Miguel [Adolfo Rocha]. Portuguese poet. ~1907-. ~Orpheus, General List
Torre y Sevil (Sebil), Francisco de la. Spanish poet. 1628?–1682. ~Narcissus
Torrejôn y Velasco, Tomâs de. Spanish composer. 1644–1728. ~Adonis
Torrence, Ridgely. American poet. 1875–1950. Hespbrides
Torrente Balles ter, Gonzalo. Spanish dramatist. 1910–. ~Odysseus, Return
Torri, Pietro. Italian composer, c.1650–1737. ~Achilles, Wrath; Athena, General List; Eos, and Tithonus; Merope; Oedipus, General List; Paris, and Oenone; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Phaethon; Trojan War, Fall of Troy
Torry, Jane Sloman. American composer. 19th century. Zephyr
Tortoletti, Bartolomeo. Italian dramatist. 17th century. Amazons
Tory, Geofroy. French translator, printer, c.1480–1529. ~Heracles, General List
Tosini, Michele. Italian painter. 1503–1577. ~Aphrodite, General List. ~Totis, Giuseppe Domenico de. Italian librettist, fl. 1670s–80s. ~Amazons (see Bernardo Pasquini, 1678); Phaethon (see Alessandro Scarlatti, 1685); Psyche (see Scarlatti, 1683)
Tottola, Leone Andrea. Italian librettist. ?–1831. ~Niobe (see Gioacchino Rossini, 1819, and Giovanni Pacini, 1826)
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de. French painter. 1864-1901. ~Muses, General List
Tournelle, Marie-Anne, Marquise de la. French author. 1717-1744. ~Seven against Thebes
Toumemire, Charles. French composer. 1870–1939. Chryseis; Gods and Goddesses, General List; Sirens
Toumières, Robert. French painter. 1668-1752. ~Hebe
Tournois, Joseph. French sculptor. 1830-1891. ~Dionysus, General List
Tours, Guy de, called Michel. French poet. c. 1562–1611. ~Paris, and Oenone
Toutain, Pierre. French painter. 1645–1686. ~Jason, and the Argonauts
Tovey, Donald Francis. English composer. 1875-1940. ~Dionysus, and Ariadne
Tower, Joan. American composer. 1938–. ~Amazons
Toyofuku, Tomonori. Japanese-Italian sculptor. 1925–. ~Aphrodite, General List
Tozzi, Antonio. Italian composer, c.1736–after 1812. Andromache; Aphrodite, General List; Dioscuri; Orpheus, and Eurydice
Tozzi, Vincenzo. Italian composer, c.1612–c.1679. ~Paris, and Helen
Traballesi, Bartolommeo (called II Gobbo). Italian painter. ?–1585. ~Danaë
Traetta, Tommaso. Italian composer. 1727–1779. ~Aeneas, in Latium; Antigone; Demophon; Dioscuri; Iphigenia, at Aulis, at Tauris; Merope; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Psyche; Telemachus
Traill, F. T. English dramatist. 19th century. ~Glaucus
Trakl, Georg. Austrian poet. 1887–1914. ~Hyacinth; Orpheus, General List
Tranchell, Peter. English composer. 1922–. ~Antigone; Fates (see David Paltenghi, 1951); Pen-theus; Trojan War, Fall of Troy
Trantow, Herbert. German composer. 1903–. ~Odysseus, Circe
Trapolini, Giovanni Paolo. Italian dramatist. ?–1599. Antigone; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses
Trautmann, Johann Georg. German painter. 1713–1769. ~Aeneas, Flight from Troy; Trojan War, Wooden Horse
Traverse, Pierre. French sculptor, b. 1892. ~Achilles, Infancy, Fall of Troy; Adonis
Travis, Roy. American composer. 1922–. ~Oedipus, at Colonus. ~Trebitsch, Siegfried. Austrian novelist. 1869–1956. Diomedes; Pygmalion (see George Bernard Shaw, 1912)
Treece, Henry. English novelist. 1912–1966. ~Jason, General List; Oedipus, General List; Orestes
Treiman, Joyce. American painter. 1922–, ~Heracles, Labors of, Ceryneian Hind, Nemean Lion, Cerberus; Pleiades
Tremisot, E. French composer. 20th century. ~Pyramus and Thisbe
Trémollière, Pierre-Charles. French painter. 1703-1739. Ages of the World; Alpheus and Arethusa; Aphrodite, General List; Athena, General List; Eros, Education; Hebe (see Robert Toumières, 1742); Muses, Drama; Odysseus, Calypso, Nausicaâ
Trench, Herbert. English poet. 1865-1923. ~Apollo, General List
Trentacoste, Domenico. Italian sculptor. 1859–1933. ~Niobe; Satyrs and Fauns, General List
Trento, Vittorio. Italian composer, r.1761–1833. ~Apollo, Loves; Iphigenia, at Aulis; Orpheus, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda
Treu, Daniel Gottlob. German composer. 1695-1749. ~Merope; Odysseus, Return; Telemachus
Trevelyan, Robert Calverly. English poet. 1872–1951. Achilles, Infancy; Chiron; Dionysus, and Ariadne (see Donald Francis Tovey, 1929); Hades [2]; Meleager, General List, Boar Hunt; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Orpheus, General List; Sisyphus
Treves, G. French composer. 19th century. ~Agamemnon
Trevisani, Francesco. Italian painter. 1656-1746. ~Apollo, General List; Artemis; Danaë; Daphne; En-dymion; Europa; Flora, General List; Galatea; Hephaestus; Heracles, and Iole; Marsyas; Paris, Judgment; Persephone, General List; Thetis, General List
Trial, Jean-Claude. French composer. 1732–1771. ~Flora, General List
Triana, José. Cuban dramatist. 1933-• ~Medea
Tribolo, Niccolô. Italian sculptor. 1500–1550. ~Ganymede; Heracles, and Antaeus; Pan, General List
Tricarico, Giuseppe. Italian composer. 1623–1697. ~Endymion
Triebensee (Triibensee), Josef. Bohemian composer. 1772–1846 ~Telemachus
Trillo y Figueroa, Francisco de. Spanish poet. 1615?-1665? ~Hero and Leander
Trimpi, Wesley. American poet. 1928-. ~Aphrodite, General List; Leda; Oedipus, General List; Orpheus, and Eurydice; Persephone, General List; Perseus, and Medusa; Pygmalion; Zeus, Loves
Trippel, Alexandre. German sculptor. 1744–1793. ~Ares and Aphrodite; Dionysus, and Ariadne
Tristan l’Hermite (François PHermite). French poet. 1602–1655. ~Narcissus; Shepherds and Shepherdesses (see Jean Rotrou, 1652). ~Tritto, Giacomo. Italian composer. 1733–1824. ~Andromache
Tromboncino, Bartolomeo. Italian composer, c.1470– c.1535. ~Psyche
Troost, Comelis. Dutch painter. 1696–1750. ~Phoenix
Troost, Willem. Dutch painter. 1685-1759. ~Europa
Troppa, Girolamo. Italian painter. c.i636-after 1706. ~Galatea; Io; Marsyas
Trouillebert, Paul Désiré. French painter. 1829–1900. DanaE
Troy, François de. French painter. 1645-1730. ~Adonis; Artemis; Flora, and Zephyr; Paris, Judgment
Troy, Jean-François de. French painter. 1679–1752. Actaeon; Callisto; Daphne; Dionysus, Infancy, and Ariadne; Galatea; Hermaphroditus; Jason, General List; Leda; Medea; Persephone, General List; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Syrinx
Trübner, Wilhelm. German painter. 1851–1917. ~Amazons
Truitt, Anne. American sculptor. 1921–. ~Nymphs, Dryads
Trussel, John. English poet. 1595–1642. ~ Theseus, and Helen
Trypanis, Constantine. Greek poet. 1909–. ~Adonis; Hades [2]; Pegasus; Trojan War, General List
Tsintsadze, Sulkhan. Georgian composer. 1925–. ~Jason, Golden Fleece
Tsvetaeva, Marina. Russian poet. 1892–1941. ~Amazons; Aphrodite, General List; Ariadne; Atlas; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Ganymede; Hades [2]; Helen of Troy; Persephone, Return; Phaedra and Hippolytus; Psyche; Trojan War, General List
Tuaillon, Louis. German sculptor. 1862–1919. ~Amazons
Tubi, Jean-Bapdste. French sculptor. 1635–1700. ~Apollo, as Sun God (see Charles Le Brun, 1650–51); Galatea; Gods and Goddesses, as Seasons (see Le Brun, 1649); Heracles, General List; Muses, Poetry and Music (see Le Brun, 1682)
Tucek (Tuczek, Tutschek), Vincenc. Bohemian composer. 1773–c.1821. ~Apollo, Loves
Tucker, William. English sculptor. 1935–. ~Persephone, General List
Tudor, Antony [William Cook], English choreographer. 1908–1987. ~Atalanta; Cybele; Dioscuri; Hebe; Heracles, Apotheosis; Lysistrata; Muses, Poetry and Music; PaIus, Judgment; Perseus, and Medusa; Phaedra and Hippolytus
Tuke, Henry Scott. English painter. 1858–1929. ~Hermes, General List; Hero and Leander; Pan, General List; Perseus, and Andromeda.
Tura, Cosmè (Cosimo). Italian painter. Before 1431– 1495- ~Heracles, Nemean Lion. ~Turamini, Alessandro. Italian dramatist. 1558–1605. SlLENUS
Turberville, George. English poet. 1543?–1597? ~Titans and Giants
Turchi, Alessandro (called L’Orbetto). Italian painter. ~1578-1649- ~Actaeon; Adonis; Aphrodite, General List; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Eros, General List, Triumphant; Heracles, Madness, and Omphale
Turchi, Guido. Italian composer. 1916–. ~Icarus and Daedalus (see Aurel von Milloss, 1972); Pasiphaë; Pentheus
Tiirckis, Damian. German dramatist. 17th century. ~Pyramus and Thisbe
Turgenev, Ivan. Russian novelist. 1818-1883. ~Nymphs, General List (see Vasily Sergeyevich Kalinnikov, 1889)
Turnbull, William. Scottish sculptor. 1922–. ~Aphrodite, General List; Oedipus, General List; Prometheus, Bound
Turner, Alfred. English sculptor. 1874–1940. ~Psyche
Turner, Charles. American composer. 1921–. ~Orpheus, and Eurydice
Turner, Charles Tennyson. English poet. 1808-1879. ~Fates; Orion
Turner, Joseph Mallord William. English painter. 1775– 1851. ~Actaeon; Adonis; Aeneas, and Dido, in the Underworld; Aphrodite, General List; Apollo, and Python, and the Cumaean Sibyl; Callisto (see Richard Wilson, 1763-67); Daphne; Dido; Dionysus, and Ariadne; Europa; Glaucus; Hero and Leander; Herse and Aglaurus; Io; Jason, Golden Fleece; Medea; Narcissus; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Parnassus; Persephone, General List; Thetis, and Peleus
Turner, W(alter) J(ames). English poet. 1889-1946. Amphitryon and Alcmene; Aphrodite, Cythera; Paris, and Helen; Psyche
Turney, Robert. American dramatist. 1900–. ~Asclepius and Hygieia; Orestes
Tüzün, Ferit. Turkish composer. 1929–1977. ~Midas, Judgment
Twardowski, Samuel. Polish poet. 1600–1660. ~Aphrodite, General List; Daphne; Eros, General List
Tytgat, Edgard. Belgian painter. 1879–1957. ~Iphigenia, at Aulis.